Chapter 2

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A/N: Okay so its Friday! so i'll update today, but probably not as much because im getting a game ive been wanting forever today and i'll probably be mostly playing that :3 I'll make Grace-Lynn start talking to Luke soon :] But anyways, ENJOY:

"Has anyone ever told you how gorgous you are?" Luke smiled at you. You blushed and looked down. 

"Okay everyone! Go ahead and move your attention up here!" The art teacher said.  You raised your head and looked at the art teacher. 

"Okay so today, we are going to begin a 3D letter, grafitti type of painting, so could you go ahead and pass these out" She said and gave you the stack of papers, you stood up and shaking grabbed the paper.

"I'll pass em out" Luke said and grabbed the stack from your hands. You let out a sigh in relief and sat back down. You pulled out a pencile and moved the paper so it was right infront of you. You looked up and saw the teacher working on the first few letters, you looked down and began to write yours. 


The clock hit  4:30 and everyone got up and ran out of the room. You stood up and picked up your backpack. You walked out of the room and bumped into Luke. 

"So, lets go" he smiled. You nodded and made your way out of the school. You walked over to your mums car and opened the door. 

"Hey hun, how w-" She began, but stopped when she saw Luke. 

"Who is this?" Your mum asked. 

"Im Luke"  Luke smiled and opened the back door. 

"Does he need a ride home, or is he like comming over?" she asked, you just shut the door and looked out the window.

"Im gonna take that as hes comming over, but you two are to stay in the living room, cant trust teenagers" She giggled. You groaned and hit your forehead with your hand. 


You opened the door to your room and sat on the bed. Luke walked in and sat by you. 

"So... do you not talk to your mum or...." He started. You nodded your head and then stood up, picking your phone up.

"You have a phone? Give me your number!" He said and pulled out his phone. You nodded and handed him your phone, you grabbed his and put your number into it, making "Grace-Lynn" The contact name. He handed your phone back and you looked at the contact, "Lukey <3" You giggled and turned your phone off.  

"You can text me when i ask you questions and stuff"  He smiled. You nodded and pulled your phone out again. You opened it and texted him "Okay.. " He chuckled.


"So, can i stay the night tonight? Its Friday" He smiled. You shrugged and texted. "i dont care" , making him smile. 

"Okay, but i have to sleep in my boxers because im not sleeping in jeans. You shrugged and texted the same thing.  

"Okay, but im tired so i might, lay down with you for awhile" He smiled. You nodded and stood up, walking over to your closet, you pulled out a tanktop and shorts, forgetting about all your scars. You walk into the bathroom and change into the clothes, you set the jacket on the counter and put the clothes into the clothes hamper. 

You walk into your room and saw Luke sitting there, on his phone. He looked up and smiled, but his smile faded when he saw the faint scares. Your eyes grew big and you ran into the bathroom, you locked it and pulled the jacket on, you looked at your legs and sighed. 

"Come out Grace.. i already saw them and its fine, i dont care, there old wich means you stopped" He sighed through the door. You stood up and shakingly and unlocked the door, you opened in and gave Luke a hug. He gently wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. You smiled and pulled away. 

"You never answered my question earlier" He said.  You picked up your phone and texted. 

"No, nobody has because im not". He looked at you shock.

"You are gorgous" He smiled and rubbed his hand on your cheek. 

"When are you going to talk? Are you ever going to talk to me or ignore me forever?" he giggled. 

"I'll talk when i get more comfortable with you" You texted him. 

"But your texting which means your close! right?" He smiled and poked your arm, making you giggle. He smiled and gently pushed you on the bed, he strandled you and started to tickle your sides, making you break into a laughing fit. 

A couple minutes into the tickle fight, somebody cleared the throat and coughed. Luke stopped tickling you and looked over. There stood, your mum smiling. 

"Hey Luke, can i talk to you for a second"  She asked. Luke nodded and hopped off you, walking into the hall. Your mum walked into the living room and Luke followed. 

"I just wanna say thanks, shes never been that happy, ive never heard her laugh really.." Your mum frowned.

"I think your a good guy and she might take awhile to get, but i think she's going to open up to you soon" Your mum smiled. 

"What happened? That made her so upset, depressed, and like, non-talkative?" Luke asked. 

"She has a really rough time, she gets bullied, ive set her up with counsilers but they dont really help her, then i moved her to a different school and that didnt work, ive tried everything and it doesnt stop, it just gets worst" She sighs 

"Oh, well i'll do everything i can to help her." Luke smiled.

"Thanks.." Your mum hugged Luke and Luke hugged her back.  

Luke walked into your room and shut the door, he took his pants and top off before crawling onto the bed with you, he pulled the blanket over his body and wrapped his arm around your waste, pulling you closer. 

"Goodnight Grace" He whispered, before the both of you fell asleep.


(Lukes POV) 

I woke up and picked up my phone, looking at the time, it was about 8. I sighed and stood up, i looked over and saw Grace asleep. I smiled at how peacefull she looked. I walked over to her and gently shook her. 

She groaned and rolled over. 

"Wake up babe" I whispered. She looked at me and smiled. 

"Morning" I smiled and walked over to my bag, i pulled out my gym shorts and pulled them on (they didnt stink because he didnt have gym that day?) 

I looked at Grace and she was standing, her hair a big mess, her mascara smudged, and her eyes almost shut. I smiled at her and walked into the bathroom. She followed me and picked up her hair brush, brushing her hair, then washing her face, while i fixed my hair. 


(Grace-Lynns's pov)

You walked into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. You looked at Luke and picked up your phone.

"Do you want some coffee?" you texted. 

"Nah, im good" He said. You nodded and started typing on your phone again. 

"You can find something and eat whatever, make yourself at home"  You texted. 

"Alright, maybe later" He said and made his way into the living room. You sat by him and drank your coffee. 

"Hey, since you cuddled me and stuff lastnight, arent you pretty comfortable with me? So why cant you talk to me?"

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