Chapter 2

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I have nothing better to do so I decide to text Denki.
Jirou: What's up?
Denki: Nothing. How are you and your girl?🤣
Jirou: Shut up! I will burst your eardrums.
Denki: Just kidding.
Jirou: Good. I'm going round her house to revise over the weekend.
Denki: Revise?🤔
Jirou: Yes, and maybe if you tried doing it you would get better grade, you idiot.
Denki: Sure?🤣 gtg bye

Jirou put her phone down and thought about everything and nothing all at once, until one thing stuck in her mind. Momo. Why did she have to like a girl? Was it wrong to like a girl? She didn't really know all she wanted to know was if Momo liked her back.
The only think so know was that she was happy to be Momo's friend for now.  She had no clue what she would do if Momo liked her back, but that would never happen. Not to someone like her.

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