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chapter 1

Glowing balls- kinky i know!

I was fast asleep dreaming about hamburgers of all things, when a bright light woke me from my mouth watering dream.

As my eyes slowly opened trying to determine what woke me up, I realized a large glowing ball was hovering inches from my face.

The glowing ball radiated happines and warmth causing me to accept the strange entity instead of going batsh*t crazy.

I was high off the strange ball's glow and when it began to drift away I stupidly began to follow.

Deep down I knew I shouldnt be following this unnatural, crazy thing, but I was unable to control my body.

Step by step the glowing ball was leading me outside my house to my backyard where the forest began.

It continued to move, going deep into the forest. I had no choice but to follow. My bare feet made crunching noises on leaves as my eyes remained fixed on this strange entity.

The glowing ball suddenly stopped and my body jerked to a halt.

After a few moments of uneventful silence, the ball began to glow brightly, and began to expand until i could no longer stand its brilliance and had to sheild my eyes. The Light underwent an earth shattering "CRACK!" and the ball slammed into me with such force I was knocked to the ground. A burning sensation spread throughout my body causing everything to go black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2012 ⏰

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