If You Can't

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If you were skilled, would you show it?

If you wanted to be something else, would you be it?

If you could change everything, would you do it?

Everyone asks them selves that at least once, but not as many times as Alexia Andrews. She has been craving for the day when she can show that she isn't just the push over of Johnson's Academy for The Gifted. Every other person in that school has some sort of amazing skill, but not her, she is like the middle class, good at everything, but not great. 

And so, if she could, she would.


She sat down, staring out at the morning sky, if only she were a bird, she could escape all of this, just fly away from everything, all the pain, the cries and the thoughts. Everything.

But she's not a bird, and never will be unless some witch changes her into one. Which is pretty much impossible, so her dreams can only be dreams.

Alexia lays her head back down, strumming her guitar mindlessly, ever since she was a child, her dream was to become a professional musician, but that was not to happen, she was to become a scientist as her aunt reminded her everyday. 'Stop this nonsense child, none of your dreams will come true, look at your mother and the way she turned out, losing her husband and then losing herself! All because she followed that stupid dream of her's!'.

To become a scientist you would have to be highly intelligent, and good luck to anyone who believes she is that smart, even though she does go to one of the top academy's there are, doesn't mean she is a genius!

Huffing, Alexia stood up again, pulling the grass from her messy, red hair, and yawning. It had been a very long day indeed, running errands for teachers and the higher classes was extremely tiring, why does she have to be such a pushover?

Growing up wasn't the easiest for Alexia, her parents died a while ago, and the worst part was that she hated both of them, for leaving her a mess while they go traipsing around the world together, they left her in the care of her horrid aunt for months at a time. The last time she saw them was at her music contest, she had played and sung Only Exception by Paramore and for once they were proud but she pushed them away, saying it was too late for them to come back, they had already lost their daughter. Hurt and confused her parents went away to clear their minds, like they always do, but the plane crashed in the sea, drowning every one of the passengers and crew. And from that day, Alexia had been a polite pushover, wanting to make up to her parents, and show them that she would be nice to others and make them proud of their daughter, even though it was too late.

That was five years ago, and she was now seventeen, with one more year of high school, but many other horrible things happened during those five years, but never had she once cried, or even told anybody, leaving her scarred until the day she dies.


Hello there!

Well, I was dreaming and my mind came up with this! Ah, my dreams are messed up, aren't they? Anyway, I hope you like!


Elmo or Bubblekazza!!!

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