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It's quite simple. In this roleplay you may be a kidnapper or a 'kidnapped' (though there must be a balance), and work alone or with a gang. Do whatever to your victims (within your partner's consent) but anything overly sexual/graphic must go to PM or be time-skipped. Please.
Requests are welcome. This is mainly individual, but I won't be here often to roleplay with you personally, so either group together or find a partner.
Go nuts!


I will no longer be personally roleplaying with anyone through this book/genre/topic. I'm still open for other genres, but please do NOT ask me to roleplay with you here. 

This book is still open for you all to roleplay with each other. 

There are plenty of kidnappers/kidnapped by now, so just someone to partner up and go ahead.

Apologies for the inconvenience. 

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