My kororo brokoro

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After being saved from an orphanage by 5sos they decided that they really didn't want you as their adopted child and so you were disowned. (This is your lore y/n) With no where to go you wandered the streets of Japan with nothing but the clothes on your back and the backpack of things you brought form the orphanage. Your rations were running out and you didn't have a job :(
//You were also like 23 in this story so I don't understand why you couldn't get a job but the economy is currently in shambles so I don't blame you.//
You grew miserable as the days dragged on, people gave you strange glances...and soon you began to curse the world. The pent up negative energy inside you became a powerhouse that evil spirits wanted to get their hands on, and it wasn't  long before you found yourself haunted.

On a lonely evening you sat in the dark corners of an alleyway. It was warm there because the buildings blocked the breeze, and the shadows cast from the sunset hid your form perfectly. You didn't like being seen, not like this. You could feel the energy inside of you draining, every waking second you didn't spend resisting, the spirits would have an opportunity to possess you. Now, life as it was didn't have much meaning to you...but it certainly wasn't worthless enough to hand over to a bunch of ghosts. You hadn't slept in two days and were really praying for a miracle.

As if it was destiny a flyer was carried in with the wind and gracefully landed at your feet. You picked it up with a look of confusion on your face. "Huh" you mumble, scanning over the thin paper. It was fairly creased, but from what you could make out it was an...exorcism business. Some guy named Reigen Arataka was claiming to be the best psychic of the 21st century. You didn't trust his face, but were running out of time. Hoisting yourself up from your miserable sitting spot you dust off your clothes and fold the crumpled flyer neatly into your pocket. "Maybe this is worth a shot"

Exhausted, you finally made it to the address specified on the paper. You'd been walking a fair bit and not having food didn't help. It was late and most other shops in the area were closed. You hoped with everything you had this psychics office was open.
"Hello?" You say quietly, knocking on the door. You knew you'd only been standing there for a little bit but it felt like hours.
You sigh, ready to turn away. You kicked the ground with your big toe in frustration.

"..hello?" Came a soft voice, it sounded like a young boy. You turned around almost immediately, startling the child with your energy. Your hair was matted to your head and as hard as you tried not to make it seem looked incredibly homeless.
"Is this spirits and such consultation?" You ask sheepishly. The boy in the door way looked about middle school aged, he had short black hair styled neatly into a bowl cut. He looked you over and then quietly said
"Yes- but we were about to close for the night."

A sense of desperation washed over you like none you'd ever felt before. "Please" you begged. "I'm being haunted-"
The boy looked hesitant, as if questioning what was right to do.
"I'm not usually allowed to use my powers for exorcisms without my masters permis-"
"Mob! What's all the ruckus out here?" It was a grown mans voice this time. A tall, young man stood in the doorway. He had fairly pale skin and blonde hair, the purple tie he wore was a bright contrast to his natural colours.
That's him, he's the psychic! You think to yourself.
"My name's y/n !" You introduce yourself hurriedly. Reigen raised an eyebrow at you. "I-I'm being haunted I was wondering if there was anything you could do to-"
"Y/n was it?" Reigen tapped a finger to his chin. "We're about to close and I'm not sensing any spiritual energy from you. My student and I don't have time for games" you felt your heart sink. Did he really think you were lying? You came all this way..
"But master.." the boys voice interrupted. "There's at least 30 spirits latching onto her- don't you see them?" You we're relieved that the boy understood. Reigens face nearly twisted with surprise.
"OH! haHa! They must be too weak for me to see is all, Mob! You know how tired I get in the evenings-" Reigen said enthusiastically. It seemed your skepticism was right from the start. This guy was nothing but a phoney. "Say, y/n" Reigen got out a piece of paper from his coat. "Which exorcism plan would you like to purchase?"
O h y e a h
Money. You needed money. Without realizing your hands were patting down your pockets in hopes of finding some change- anything.  You let out a sigh of frustration. You'd finally found hope and now you didn't have the money to go through with an exorcism! Your eyes burned. Were you tearing up? Oh god don't tear up don't tear up! Hold it together y/n! You thought to yourself.  "S-Sir" your voice broke "I..I don't have the means to pay you right now-"
A frown settled on Reigen's face- but it's wasn't the type of frown you expected. Rather than seeing one that was disappointed it seemed almost concerned, a l m o s t.
"Do you live nearby?" He asked. "Surely I would have seen you around before if you were a local" The question caught you by surprise.
"I actually don't live anywhere.." you say quietly, clenching your fists on the straps of your backpack. Hold it in, hold it in! God damn it why were you like this? Once the tears well up do you really have to go out of your way to cry? A tear trickled down your cheek, it felt burning hot. You'd forgotten what it was like to cry for a moment. "I understand if you can't go through unless I have money-"
Your eyes widened, there was a sudden light in almost every direction around you. The spirits that has plagued you for so long we're disappearing one by one. Was this an exorcism? You felt your your body lighten up, your shoulders felt less tense, all the side effects the haunting had caused was reversing. ..And it was coming from him! Your saviour- ...the bowl cut kid?!
"Mob! I didn't give you permission to do that!" Reigen scolded.
"We couldn't just let her suffer, master." The boy, who you assumed was named Mob said. "You could tell she felt cornered, I all too well know what that's like.." Mob gave you a small, but warm smile. It filled your heart up, what a sweet kid. "You won't have to worry about the spirits anymore" he added. "I made them go away for you."

"Thank you so much!" You cried out, louder than you were expecting. It caused you to blush a little bit. "You don't know how much of a help this has been-" you continued to pour your heart out in thanks for about 30 seconds before the tapping of Reigens foot cut you off. He had a smirk on his face that gave you a rather eerie vibe.
"Ah ah ah y/n don't forget about your payment :)"

[to be continued lmfao]

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