It's You (Dean x Reader)

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Sam's words echoed in my head as I sat behind the wheel of Baby. Head back, eyes closed, and listening to the rain pound ferociously on the roof. I thought the drive would clear my head like usual as the tires ate the miles of pavement beneath them. Not this time though. Not when I was thinking about Y/N. When I pushed her away after Bobby died, I thought I was doing the right thing, saving her from a life that I didn't even want to be a part of. Once I was sent to Purgatory, I was only more convinced of my decision. In my eyes she was too pure to deal with the horrors and monsters I had seen and dealt with on a daily basis. She was a badass but she was also soft and a light in my too often dim world and I didn't want a damn thing dimming her fucking shine.

Jamming the key forward in the ignition, I restarted Baby in frustration. Maybe if I just checked up on her, made sure she was safe, or as much as it would hurt, see her with someone else, maybe then my mind would shut up and stop racing with thoughts of her. I stomped my foot on the gas, the tires sliding with lack of friction from the rain for a second before finally gaining traction. I turned on the radio and as fate would have it her favorite song came on, for once I turned it up and listened to it blare through the speakers as I applied a bit more pressure to the pedal beneath my right foot. Letting my mind drown in thoughts of her and our past together as I drove.

I thought about the first time I met her, a vampire hunt. One nearly nabbed her outside the bar she worked at after closing up. Seeing resolve in her eyes instead of fear was what got my attention. She was different. She pulled out a hidden pocket knife, stabbing him in the upper thigh, stunning him, before twisting the blade and pulling it out. I nodded my head behind me letting her know to get out of here and get safe, she ran towards Sam and I. I remember the smell of her sweet perfume mixed with the smell of alcohol from the drinks she had been making and serving that night as she dashed past me and to her car. Sam and I beheaded the bloodsucker. After a successful hunt we would usually head out the next morning and on to the next hunt, but I couldn't get her out of my head. There was just something about her E/C eyes that haunted my mind and I headed out the bar, hoping she would be working. Luck was on my side that afternoon because as soon as I opened the door I saw her standing behind the bar, completing last minute opening activities. She looked up at me and smiled before she even really looked, that smile barely faltering as she made eye contact with me and recognized me from the night before.

"What can I do for my best and first customer of the day?"

"Beer and a good conversation with a beautiful woman like yourself would do just fine."

She smirked as she replied while she fixed up my beer, "I'm not a biscuit, don't butter me up like one."

Her humor immediately reeled me in, and in that moment I knew I was screwed. Just as I had asked though, after I fully explained to her what happened last night, what Sam and I do for living, she didn't end up running away screaming. We had a good conversation... great actually. But as all things eventually do, it came to an end as business started picking and we both knew it with one look. But right before I left she called my name and handed me a piece of paper.
"In case you find yourself in need of good conversation," she said with a wink before turning away and taking care of customers, leaving me no time to respond. I walked out dumbfounded that I got her number without asking, I know I'm smooth, but I ain't that smooth. I ended up calling her the next morning, delaying our leave again, and asking her out for coffee. Luck was still on my side considering she said yes and had the day off, a rare occurrence for her. Little did we realize at the time the impromptu date we had that day since our day together wouldn't end with coffee.

We walked around town. She pointed out things around the downtown area of
the small town, filling me in with personal stories of her own. The day eventually turned into night and neither of us hinted at wanting to leave. She offered a movie at her place, which lead to her in my arms on the couch. I didn't make love to her that night and I didn't when we both woke up that morning tangled together on her couch. That came later, a couple months later when I came back to visit her yet again, although this time after a rough hunt, but I didn't leave without our first kiss.

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