Gokuhara: p u r e
Momota: fooking diSgUsTANG
Akamatsu: thicc music lesbian
Harukawa: closet bi
Yonga: my puss belongs to atua
Yumeno: can y'all be shut up
Chabashira: angery lv 100 lesbian
Ouma: what the actual fuck, dude
Amami: 420 lmao
Shriogane: smoooogs
Iruma: mEga mIlk
Tojo: mommy uwu
Shinguji: Gucci lol
Kiibo: toaster
Hoshi: cats 'n balls----
5:46 AM
OwOthicc music lesbian: so hi iruma just lock picked my door with some kinda device just said "babe shit went down kaito owes me 69" and then collapsed on my floor
thicc music lesbian: anyone care to explain?
420 lmao: @mEga mIlk miss keisha
420 lmao: @mEga mIlk mIsS kEIshA
420 lmao: holy shit she fuckin DED
closet bi: god fucking dammit amami
smoooogs: wait babe owo???
thicc music lesbian: idek. We aren't dating yet
smoooogs: yet???? OWO
thicc music lesbian: sssshhhhhh
toaster: Oh no.
thicc music lesbian: ah keebs! Ya know something?
toaster: Well....
toaster: Just remind me not to trust her as much.
420 lmao: hey sorry to interrupt butttt
420 lmao: am I the only one who finds it weird that Ouma isn't on
smoooogs: it is weird now that you point it out
smoooogs: it's like he's always just here? Even at insane hours
mommy uwu: I certainly hold concern for his sleeping habits
mommy uwu: and if he is getting rest I'm glad he is but it is undoubtedly strange he hasn't said anything
toaster: ...
420 lmao: keebs?
toaster: Just also concerned.
toaster: Ok, I must admit,
smoooogs: owo???
toaster: I saw him go into Saihara's room earlier.
toaster: At about 3:54.
thicc music lesbian: and you told miu
thicc music lesbian: ***IRUMA
420 lmao: lol gaaaaaaay
toaster: Yes...
please go'nt//ndrV3 chatfic
FanfictionGay Purple Clown added 16 people to Unnamed Chat Gay Purple Clown named the chat OwO Fre shavacado: you've hardly done anything and I already fucking hate it ---- Just another goddam V3 chat fic... Ships: Oumasai Kiibouma but it's one sided oof I...