Chapter 3

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"Like what?" I ask.
"Like I'm cheating on her with you. How ridiculous. You're my best friend right now. You've helped me the most, thank you so much Y/N," it stings a bit, but Jin is my boyfriend now so I should stop.
"You're welcome. But I never did anything. And also...I think this is partially my fault,"

"What?" He springs up from my chest, adjusting the awkward couple-ish position we were in.
"Before we met, I was a huge fan of BTS. You were my bias. It's just...she probably thought I still had feelings for you or something," I sniffle, wiping away a tear from my eye.
"You liked me?" He asks. I nod.
"Huh....that's funny. You made it sound like you didn't even know me when we first met,"
"That's just how I made it out to be. The truth is, I've been in love with you for five years Yoongi. I stopped after I found out about the letter," I say.
"Right, the letter," He punches his own fist.
"Besides, I'm with Jin now. So let's forget about this dumb affair business. If she asks, say we did and see how mad she gets. Just for laughs," I laugh it off and Yoongi scratches his chin.
"That doesn't sound too bad,"
"Oh no,"
"But...she did really hurt me today. She left me home alone for a long time and barely payed any attention to me. What am I supposed to do? The only thing I know to do is cry. I feel so empty without her,"
"Yoongi, you have to think about other things," I say.
"Like what?"
"Sleep. It's 1 am. Come on," I'm lazy so of course I don't prepare a place for him to sleep.
"Where will I sleep?"
"In my bed, with me," he's reluctant at first, protesting, "I'll go sleep in the couch, give you some space. I've already intruded enough," He starts pacing back and forth in front of my bed as I get in the covers.
"Yoongi," I call him, losing my patience.
"Even if we're just friends, if Lila finds out she'll think we did more than just sleep here,"
"Yoongi," I call again.
"And if she thinks that, she'll leave me!"
"YOONGI!!!" This gets his attention.
"She won't know. I don't even think she knows you left or else I would've gotten a call by now," I say.
"Okay...." he gives in, crawling into the bed, too tired to put up a fight. He lies on the opposite side of me, far away, nearly off the bed.
"Aren't you cold?" I ask. "Scoot in," I say.
He inches closer to the middle, where I lay. "Don't be shy. We're family now! You're like my brother, right?" Ugh why did I say that?
He shifts his weight until he's right next to me, his arm is warm on mine.
"Y/N, I'm really sorry for bugging you. I just felt so alone for the first time in what seemed like ages,"
"It's understandable. The guys were around you all the time when you were with BTS. Now you're married and all your wife wants to do is work. I don't think she gets it, since she's never really been in love before," I reply. Even though it's dark, I see his face in the moonlight, glowing as he turns to face me.
"Is that really what I was to her? An asset?" His expression is sad again, I hate seeing him like this.
"Of course not. She has her reasons for marrying you," I say. Yeah right. All she wanted was to show her parents she could get a successful man as well. The whole thing comes down to acceptance from them. Poor Yoongi, she's been using his image this entire time to make herself look better.
"I know it sounds crazy, but when I saw the letter, it was as if I knew this person was the one for me. That's why I wanted to marry her. The letter showed true admiration for me, and I was so-so touched," When he talks about her, There's this sparkle in his eye and his face lights up. He's so in love. But it should be me. I'm the one who wrote the letter, dummy.

"Mmhmm," I mumble back.
"I didn't think she'd accept the proposal. I'm glad things worked out. But now we have a new problem,"
"Hm?" I say softly, opening my eyes to meet his soft brown ones.
"I can't touch her. I can't hold her, I can't kiss her. She's always doing something else and makes excuses. It's really hard Y/N," he pouts. I bring my hand up and stroke his cheek softly, he flinches at my sudden gesture.
"Do as I told you before. Keep yourself busy. Don't think about intimacy. I know it's hard, but you'll do anything for the woman you love, right?" He nods. I keep patting his soft cheek.
"Um..what are you doing?" He asks finally.
"I've always wanted to touch your's so soft. Now I'll tell you what," I take my hand off, and let it return to my side. "I'll talk to her for you and see what I can do. Maybe she'll change her mind and decide she has feelings for you after all!" I whisper.
"Thanks," He whispers. Without warning, he pulls me into a hug, my head is on his chest, tucked into the crook of his neck, and his chin is on my head. "Seriously, thank you so much. What would I do without you, Y/N?" He kisses my head lightly.

The Affair {Yoongi x Reader ff}Where stories live. Discover now