Chapter 1- The Awakening

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—Sabre's POV—

I sat on the porch outside of the Rainbow House. It was a spectacular day in The Rainbow Town, And Light Steve, Plague Steve, Lucas and I were all waiting patiently for Rainbow Steve to wake up. It was a Saturday, so I could see why he would want to sleep in, but today was gonna be HUGE! I had been doing some research last night after everyone was asleep, and it turned out that you can find ruins and dinosaur bones underground, but it's extremely rare! I wanted to empress Rainbow Steve by finding them first, sense now he has enough power to sense any block from afar. I wanted to show him that just because he has power doesn't mean he can show off!

—Rainbow Steve's POV—
I wake up on my bed inside of the Rainbow House. I wake up, grab myself some eggs to throw into the pen with all of the fake sabres inside, and head out the door. I step outside and, black and white. I figure by then that I'm having a dream, so I try to snap myself out of it. The Rainbow Town of all places? Gray? I don't think so. Nothing works. I fall and hurt my back and left elbow on the set of stairs leading down from the Rainbow House, which turned out to be the only colourful thing around. I get back up, and then I fall over again because black haze filled my eyes with smoke as I coughed on the floor. I get a creepy vibe like how you do when you know an elder guardian is around, and I pull out the black and white sword in front of me. "Hello!?" I shout at the top of my lungs. Silence. The sound of crickets play in my head as I look for some sign of motion. "Sabre!? Lucas!? Plague!? Light!? Anyone!?" The voice stream out like puke. "He-hello?" A unfamiliar voice speaks in a rather timid tone. "Maybe it's him..." the shy voice whispers once more. I was losing my patience. I dash around the corner of the Rainbow House, and find a Steve. He had particles around him like an Endermen would, but blue and they fade away slowly as I sit down. The Steve moves his feet back and forth in the water, just like how Sabre describes motioning his feet in and out towards the water at the beach at Miami. "Hello there!" I give a cheery welcome to the stranger. He just stared with a happy but lifeless smile on his face. As if he was being controlled. Programmed. I ask him if he from here, and he says that he has been here before in his dreams. At least, that's was I though he said, because his voice was so soft and quiet that you would think you were deaf. I continue on and ask if he had seen a brown-haired player wearing a chicken onesie, intentionally looking for my lost friend. He stares for about a minute without blinking, and then he tells me that he saw an opening in a cave system down beneath the beaten corridor we chose to walk down. I cock my head in confusement towards him, and he just blankly smiles. I start ignoring him, and walk towards the pen to put some chickens in. Thankfully, the chickens are pretty much the only thing that is normal, so thankfully that comforted me. I throw an egg, and a black and blue mist infects the air. I cough, and see a rather vivid vision of Sabre rise up from the egg. He has a worried expression on his face, and he leans over at me and stares. "I don't think that Plague Steve built him strong enough!!! Come in guys, and hurry!!!" He yells, and they come running in. Plague Steve stares at me, and says, "Sabre, he's..." he pauses and his sad expression gets more obvious. "SABRE! RUN! MAKE A MACHINE, FOR BOTH ME AND RAINBOW! I DONT KNOW, BUT I CAN JUST FEEL HIM FALLING APART! HURRY!!" "OKAY!!!" He screams, and runs out the door. I still stare at the oozing mist coming out of the egg, and I finally realize what is happening. "I-I'm... This is..." I trail off rather quickly, trying to communicate my thoughts into action. "Wake up!" I scream. The Blue Steve notices me, this time his eyes are dark grey, the particles around him glitched, and he watches as I hold my head on the ground, rocking back and forth. "You'll get through it." He says. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!! WHAT ARE YOU ANYWAY, A USELESS STEVE THAT JUST BLANKLY STARES AWAY? HOPING THAT THERE IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE A GOOD ENDING!? HOW USELESS COULD Y..." I pause myself, thinking about what just came out of my mouth, and stare at the Blue Steve, looking about ready to kill me. "I'M SORRY!" I try to run to him while he stands still. But weirdly, with each step I take, he gets farther away without teleporting or moving at all. I start running fast as he stands on the moving hill I try to climb. Lightning sparks in both of his hands as he gets ready to strike. "We were friends!!" The Steve looks down at me, and the hill grows with each step. "I have an idea... let's make this more fun... If you haven't figured out already, you are in a dream. Soon, this will all be real, Rainbow Steve. So get ready." He says. Everything stops moving in time, and everything is suddenly quiet. "Wake up." I hear him whisper loudly. A bunch of lightning suddenly happens and I get scared. Then everything stops again and I hear a snap.

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