Bully// Mingi

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Group: Ateez

Member: Song Mingi

Autumn's POV

"Hurry up!" Song Mingi yelled at me.

Ever sense moving to this new school my life has been surrounded by only him.

My stupid dad forced me to move to this new school in a freaking new country.

Imagine being the only white kid at your school.

I'm an outsider.

"Autumn, be out here when I'm done with practice." Mingi said forcefully taking his gym bag out of my hands.

"Bastard." I said in English before walking away.

"Yah!" Mingi yelled making me turn around.

"Get an umbrella, it's going to rain." He rushed before running inside.

I literally don't understand him. He acts like a total douche at times but also sweet and kind at others.

"Season!" One of Mingi's friends ran up to me.

"Yes, Yunho?" I asked with a kind smile.

Yunho has been one of the only people to be kind to me.

I might even consider him a friend.

"That boy is something else." He laughed walking with me.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking up at him confused.

"He's totally into you." He said as we walked into a ice cream parlor.

"Stop joking about that." I scolded him.

"I'm not the only one who thinks that." He defended himself before ordering for the both of us.

"You remembered my order?" I asked in a chuckle.

"You have that stupid individual complex."

"It's not just individual people. It's just the situation." I snapped.

"Okay okay, calm down." Yunho threw his hands up in defeat.

We sat there for almost two hours joking around and talking about homework.

"Is Mingi done with practice?" Yunho asked looking at the clock.

"Oh! I have to go." I scrambled to get my bag.

When I reached the door I saw the pouring rain.

Damn, he was right.

I put my bag over my head and started to run towards the gym.

When I got closer I slipped and fell cutting my knee.

"Ow!" I cried holding my knee.

"Autumn?" I heard a voice and splashing foot stomps.

"I- I'm sorry." I cried looking up at Mingi who was getting wet.

"For what?" He asked in a panicked tone looking at my knee.

"I'm late and I forgot the umbrella." I sniffled.

"You're a weirdo." He laughed taking off his sweater and blocking the rain from hitting me.

"Why?" I asked in a whinny tone.

"You're apologizing to me when you're hurt?" He asked laughing at me again.

"Why are you laughing." I cried out hitting him.

"Get up." He said pulling me to my feet and bringing me into the gym where the rest of his basketball members were.

"You owe me $20, Jong Ho!" Woo Young yelled looking at us.

"What are you looking at? Get me a bandage." Mingi growled.

"What's going on?" Jong Ho asked.

"What do you think?" Mingi asked unamused.

"You two are dating right?" Woo Young asked smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes, now shut up." Mingi said holding me which I just became aware of. My heart raced at his touch and his words.

"Mingi?" I somehow grew the courage to say.

"Hmm?" He answered not looking at me.

"Do you like me?" I asked out of nowhere.

"Yes, idiot." Mingi laughed finally looking at me.

I started crying again like a baby, "Why?" He asked once again laughing at me while moving my hair behind my ear.

"You're such an asshole."'I sniffled.

"Thanks." He winked.

I laughed and hit his chest, "That wasn't a complement."

"Eww, okay we get it~." Yeo Sang fake gaged.

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