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warning(s): gore

when you slowly slip out of darkness and into conciousness,the taste of iron and salt that sits heavy on your tongue is the first thing you notice.

the sencond thing is that your eyelids feel like theyve been glued shut. you can hear your heartbeat in your eyers,throbbing along with the seering pain in your left arm. you move your right hand,trying to get a grip on anything that can give you a clue as to what's going on.

your hand lands in something wet,warm and thick,the same texture as whatever you notice dripping down your forehead and down your neck.

with some effort,you open your eyes. you see a flash of whatever is going on in front of you,before your vision goes red and your eye starts burning. you try to lift your dry hand to wipe away at whatever had dripped into your eye,but the pain that shoots through your body only makes bile rise to your throat.

you manage to swallow it down,only leaving the bitter acidic taste to mix with the rest of the flavours on your tongue. you give up,keeping your burning eye closed and prying the other one open.

your first instinct is to look to your right,where your hand still sat resting in the mystery liquid. apon seeing the deep red staining your fingers,you find yourself wishing that it had remained a mystery.

your mother lay only a few feet away from you,face down,with a large exit hole in the back of her head. blood and brain matter seeped into the carpet around her and soaked the long sleeve of your shirt.

you feel sick again. a different type of sick this time. suddenly everything becomes much clearer as memories of what happened comes flooding back.

you look away from your mothers corpse,instead looking down at your lap where a heavy weight suddenly becomes apperant. a large chunk of ceramic that you recognize as a peice of the toilet lays across your legs,covered in blood and large chunks of...something.

looking up,you see the barely recognizable body of your step father laying across from you. his skull is broken,almost completely level with the carpet. his neck is bent in an unnatural angle,a thick peice of white bone sticking out and blending with the peices of his broken skull.

you feel another wave of nausea hit you,and this time you can't hold it back.

the smell of vomit mixed with the heavy smell of blood and fired shotgun shells makes ìyou dizzy. you let out a heavy sob,reaching out to tangle you fingers in you mothers once beautiful hair,just as the sound of police sirens got louder,and the red and blue lights flashed through the windows.

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