I stepped off the bus and it was 2933

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Bus 5/2/19

I stepped off the bus and took in my surroundings.

"Where in dog's name am I?" I asked myself. I looked around and spotted a calendar *2933*. Wait, I got onto this bus in 1933. I've teleported 1000 years into the future. Everything was so different, high-tech soldiers ran around with laser guns. Civilians walked the streets in overrated clothes, spinning fidget spinners made of magma. Upon further observance, the civilians seemed to be in fear, "hello? Can anyone please explain to me what is going on here?" I asked numerous people who ignored me. Then I realised why they were all wearing earpieces and their eyes were fogged over. What kind of advanced technology was this? I suddenly felt a zap on my neck and everything went black.

"Wake up the intruder," someone yelled into my ear kicking my arm. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at who had yelled at me. "Where's your headset?" they asked.

"My what?"

"Headset, no leaving your house without your headset," They instructed.

"I don't own a headset, what even is a headset?" I questioned.

"Liar too are we that's 5 days in the dark camp." they declared. "20519 and 39313 take this trader to the dark!" The door automatically opened and 2 soldiers marched into the room, they grabbed my arms and dragged me out of the room refusing to let me go when I pleaded to be released.

Now I know why they call it the dark camp, it was freezing and the only light was obtained from a small candle that was battling to stay alight. There were two others in the room, a male and a female that seemed around my age.

"Where are we?" I asked them the male turned to look at me while the female just ignored me.

"Where do you think?" the male replied snarkily.

"I wouldn't have asked if I already knew, "I shot back.

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