Daniel was walking amlisle around heaven. His feet tapping away at the pristine marble floors. Tap Tap Tap. He circled around and around letting the bony spiked tips of his wings scrape along the floor. He was in one of the reserved rooms. Sections of heaven set asided for people who hadn't died, right now it was an empty blank space. But, one day it woukd be filled with the best memories and heaven for the person who it was for. This fact did nothing to help assuge daniels bordem. For the last thousand years or so hes had a distinct lack of anything interseting happening to him. There was nothing to do here but wait. "Can you stop?" said Gadreel walking in. "I can almost hear your mind numbing bordom over the sound of you scraping your wings on the floor." "I'm sorry sir." Daniel said, "I had no idea you where here." "Oh lighten up would you. I swear, you archangles are almost as stiff as a virtue." Daniel looked at Gadreel confusion plain on his face. Gadreel just sighed and shook his head. "It took me days to find you, Who'd have guessed you've been spending the last couple days in a reseverrd room for," Gadreel looked down at a clipboard he materalized, "A Mr.Ned Haggard. Anyway, sector 9 needs you guarding the gate, section c-5." "What, but isn't that a job for one of the Powers?" "Hell if I know, but word is this order came straight from Gabrial himself." Daniels stoick face actully moved, his mouth opening slightly. "I know were immortal and all, but did i just give you an anurseam?" Gadreel then started laughing at his own joke as Daniel looked on in confusion. He stopped for a second then said, "Don't think to hard about it, a second angels gone missing and your the best replacment given your lack of job at the moment. Well, hop to it soldier." Gadreel immediatly stiffened his posture, folded his wings back, and walked out like he just was given an award. Daniel started his long journey to the edge of heaven.