A Banshee's Cry

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The Next Day:

TJ woke up to someone's arm wrapped around him with light snores in his ear. TJ had totally forgotten that he slept with Damion last night and he felt extremely guilty


I don't know what It was about him. Was it the partial marking, Or did I actually have feelings for him? My thought where quickly interrupted by Damion shifting potions in the bed. "Are you awake?" Damion's light snoring continued giving me my answer. I slowly got out of the bed and stretched looking at the clock noticing that we had school today. "SHIT!" I shouted causing Damion to jump out of bed with his fangs sharp and his eyes red. "Sorry." I chuckled watching the frightened boy. "Don't fucking do that." Damion sighed putting on a pair of clean boxers he found in his drawer. "Do you have any clothes I can wear for school?" I spoke looking down at my feet not sure what today. He turned and looked at me and smiled causing me to almost melt. "Yeah." He replied walking to his closet pulling out a black hoodie and black jeans. "Is black the only color you have?" I chuckled taking the clothes from his hand. "And midnight purple." He said proudly as if he was bragging. I rolled my eyes and started to change. "Are you just going to change in front of me?" He asked glaring hungrily at my abs as I removed my shirt. "Is that a problem?" I replied with a smile on my face. "You know how I get when you tease." The vampire replied. I rolled my eyes and stepped into the bathroom so I could shower and finish changing.

30 minutes later (Narrator):

"Has anyone seen TJ?" Alex asked a bit worried as he walked through the double doors of the school. "Not since he left yesterday," Asher stated before stopping in his tracks seeing what he could not believe. "Um... are you okay?" Alex asked before looking in the directing the boy was staring. There they were, holding hands and laughing as they walked through the halls. Alex could feel rage boil within him, but overall that was sadness. It took everything in his power not to run away crying. "I'm sorry Alex..." Asher apologized. "There is no need for you to apologize, we broke up, remember," Alex spoke with his voice cracking a bit. "Alex..." "No its fine, I'm fine. Let's go to class." Alex plastered on a fake smile walking to his class as fast as he possibly could.

"What's wrong with him?" Luna spoke startling Asher half to death. "You have got to stop doing that. You're going to kill us one of these days." Asher said holding his chest trying his best to grasp his breath. "Well sorry," Luna said throwing her hands up in defense. "Bunch of babies." She mumbled the last part as Asher glared at her. Luna put on a smile trying to avoid the death glare. "So what happened with Alex?" Luna asked for a second time. Asher did not say anything just pointed towards the newfound couple. Luna's jaw almost fell off her face when she saw the two holding hands and making out in the hall. "HOLY SH..." The bell cut her quote off as Asher quickly headed to class not wanting to be late.


Alex was the first one to the lunch table as always. He didn't open his lunch, he just kind of pushed it off to the side. "Are you going to eat?" Aidan asked taking a seat across from the boy. Alex did not respond but his sobs and sniffles where all Aidan needed. He quickly got up and sat next to Alex pulling him into a hug. "What happened?" Aidan spoke softly into the sobbing boy's ear. "Why do I all ways fucking things up? Why am I always the one doing things wrong? Why... why doesn't anyone love me..." Alex began to breakdown unable to hold back his cries. He cried, cried so hard to the point it hurt anytime he tried to inhale. The entire cafeteria including TJ was now staring but Aidan didn't care. He held the boy tightly rubbing circles in his back. "None of that is true, you hear me? You are the sweetest and nicest person that I've ever met and no one or nothing can take that away from you. I-I love you, Alex." Aidan confessed in front of everyone. Alex sobs slowly stopped as he looked up at the boy. Before he even realized what he did, he kissed him. Aidan felt sparks fly as the boy's soft lips connected with his. Alex pulled away from the kiss staring Adian right in his beautiful hazel that matched his. "Please... don't leave me." Alex spoke softly burring his head into the boy's chest. "I promise," Aidan said wrapping his arms around the body comforting him. "Please don't," Alex said for a second time causing Aiden's grip to tighten even more. "Not as long as I live."

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