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There was a blue crow in a desert, he didn't know nothing but sand and the sky above him, this crow couldn't fly so he walked for a life time searching for something that would make him closer to the sky he dreamed day n night about.

In the end the crow couldn't find anything in this world of his besides him and his shadow, he had however found some roses, shrubs and succulents but they all had thorns that he couldn't see at first and they cut him again and again and the crow got so many scars he forgot how to look up to the sky he loved and start looking down, avoiding any flower he passed by scared of the thorns he might find.

The crow after longe years became now one with is shadow, he was now full black and just tried to survive day and night in that desert of his.

One night he found a flower, diferente that what he was used to see, he approached the flower slowly and every night he got closer to her, one night he reach the flower, this flower was a sunflower, she had scars on his petals and one was missing, and he could see that this petal was freshly removed. The sunflower was little but shinny, delicate but strong, stronger than any other flower he once saw and warmer that anything he once knew so he got closer and she warm him every night.

The crow was amazed by the flower and start living side by side with her, even when it rained or there was a tempest or a hurricane he didn't leave the sunflower he just wanted to protect her no matter what, he forgot all about the desert, he forgot about the thorns and the scars , he forgot even about himself, he only had eyes for the sunflower and he would give is life for her.

One day the sunflower disappeared, the crow was worried and search everywhere in the desert and didn't found anything... Until he felt a warm, a warm that he only had felt near the sunflower and was then he decided to look up again, to his surprise he saw the sun but not the sun he onced knew, this sun was brighter, stronger and warmer, this sun was his sunflower that has grown when he look back to the ground and he was amazed to see his shadow was gone, so in that day forward he start to look up again to appreciate the sun and the sky besides her.

The crow was now showing shades of blue behind his black feathers.

The most beautiful days were at night tho because every night the sun would come down to the ground and transform in to the sunflower and they would be together once again. The problem was every night she came down she didn't transform in a sunflower in the same place so the crow had to walk every night to the place were she transform, one day the crow wanted more time with the sunflower so he started to learn how to fly, no one never taught him that and he thought it was impossible at first but he tried anyway, the previous scars hurt him a lot, he couldn't move his wings properly but he try, he try anyway to change himself so he could be with her. He learned how to fly, terribly but he know was able to be more time with his precious sunflower.

The sun or the sunflower didn't know how much she was important to him or how much she helped him and changed him, she was used to see another birds flying by.

One day the crow tried to fly to the sun instead of waiting for the night to come , he got close but in the end his feathers burned he fall...

When he woke up, one day already had passed by while he was unconscious, he couldn't fly anymore so he look to the sky and waited, waited and waited but the night never came. Days passed by and the night was now a dream, but more than a dream kt was a memory, it was real and it was something he wanted again but couldn't reach so he just waited every day for the night to come.

The night never came but his shadow did, he started looking down again waiting for the night to come and watching the sun through puddles.

The crow became black again and still remain black till this day, he is still waiting in that desert of his, walking and slowly reaching the end, still he wait because the memories are all he has left now.

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