part 3

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Neil was waiting for teju again as she didn't reach home. He finally goesout in search of her and finally finds her coming by pushing her bike.

Seeing her fit and fine bought a smile on his lips while his anger grew more when he witnessed same guy with her who was walking.

They both stops walking seeing Neil standing in front of them with his bike. While that same guy says.

It seems your husband came ,now I can go as you will be safe now. Bye saying this he goes away while teju looks at Neil in confusion while he walks towards her .

Why are you this much late.

Teju:- bike spoiled bava( Neil smiles listening to bava word from her but soon that smile vanishes as she says) I mean Neil .

Neil:- can't you call and inform me and who is that stupid guy ,and these days I seeing you alot with him. Don't trust all.

Teju:- battery dead and when I am walking alone he accompanied me as this road was lonely and knew I was afraid of darkness.

Neil:- are you afraid of darkness but from when.

Teju smiles sadly and says when mom and dad died from that time by saying this  tears forms in her eyes while Neil realizes that he doesn't knew anything about her.

Neil:-  I am sorry I didn't knew .

Teju:- it's ok.

Saying she started moving by pushing her bike while too walks with her by pushing his bike. Teju observes this and says.

Teju:- you can go .we reached na it's ok I can come from here.

Neil:-  I was walking for my sake. As you said we were almost near to home , I thought why to waste petrol. That's why

Teju nodes her head while Neil takes a deep breath.

Next day Neil was watching tv while teju comes out wearing jeans and T-shirt and loose hair which made her to  look breath taking while made Neil to lost in her.

When he realizes that she was going out on Sunday , he stops her .

Neil:- Where are you going that to on Sunday.

Teju :-  actually ,we all planned to go out to movie . I hope you don't mind I will come by evening .

Neil nodes but says :- will he also accompany you.

Teju:- who ?

Neil:- that person with whom you were roaming these days.

Teju:- oh! Ratan. Ha he to coming (Neil snaps at her immediately) not only him infact our whole team is going out.

Teju looks at Neil irritated expressions and says.

If you don't like I will drop I won't go

Neil immediatedly looks at her and says.

Neil:- who said I don't like .you can go but just be carefull and be little far from that fellow whose name is "ratan".

Teju giggles but composes her self when Neil looks at her .

She smiles and leaves from their.

After some time

Here Neil switches off tv and sees time showing as 8.

Neil thinks:- she said she will come by evening but it's getting late. He picks up phone and about to dial her but stops and says to himself.

What she will think of me. If I call her and ask why she didn't still reach. What if she thinks I am doudting her.

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