Crash & Burn - Lyrics

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(Verse 1)

You fooled me once
You fooled me twice
Your never getting up, so hard you try
You broke my heart and you broke the trust
You took our friendship and ripped it apart
You took it as a laughing stock and made me cross


So have a happy future for breaking a girls heart
Say what you wanna say about it
But in the end it will drop
But in the end there be no turning back
So crash and burn
Cause you know about that

(Verse 2)

You think your smart
I think your dumb
I told you a million times not to do that
You did this to yourself
You made up lies
You treat me like a fool
But you don't know me
Because I'm too cool for you


So have a happy future for breaking a girls heart
Say what you wanna say about it
But in the end it will drop
But in the end there be no turning back
So crash and burn
Cause you know about that

"Crash & Burn" was written by Jessica Coutts (2015)

Stage Name- JEX

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