Chapter 15:

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Climbing into bed with Lauren that night, everything felt okay again. I struggled to knock the smile off my face as I slid out of my uncomfortably damp jeans into a cosy pair of sweatpants.

"Hey," Lauren closed the bedroom door behind her. "This is for you. You left them on the coffee table."

I looked down at her hands, holding my pills. "Oh," It seemed awkward for a moment. I gave her a tight smile as I took them from her. "Thank you."

It was like we were both scared that the reappearance of the pills would instantly start another argument; reminding me of why we fell out in the first place. I was swift in taking one of the pills, setting them aside on the bedside cabinet afterwards.

Curling up next to Lauren sent me to sleep almost instantly; and the next time I owlishly opened my eyes was when the morning sunrays started to penetrate them.

"We need to restock, guys." Clarke announced from the kitchen as the rest of us sat in the front room, taking small bites out of the hard tacks we had hold of. It was so bland and unsatisfying – but very filling.

"We can do that today." Lexa shrugged, snapping the corner of her hard tack and popping it into her mouth. "Hey, did you and Lauren work things out?" She lowered her voice knowing that Lauren was somewhere in the house.

"Yeah," I smiled. "We did."

Her mouth curved into a smirk, her eyebrow arching as she looked in Clarke's direction. "We didn't hear any making up."

I instantly knew what she was hinting and rolled my eyes. "We didn't make up like that."

"That's the best way to make up." Clarke commented as she came to join us.

I set the rest of my hard tack onto the coffee table. "Just because you guys bone like rabbits, doesn't mean everyone else does."

"What're we talking about?" Lauren said, making her way towards me in her oversized sweatshirt and beanie. She looked so naturally beautiful.

"Nothing at all," I quickly prevented the two girls from saying anything inappropriate. I opened up my arms and draped them around her neck, smiling contently as we both leaned into a welcoming kiss.

"ANYWAY," Lexa said. "We're coming to the end of our food supply so I think we need to pay another visit to the warehouse."

I nodded along absentmindedly, my hand wandering to the back of Lauren's neck as I caressed it with the tips of my fingers. "Sounds like a plan."

It wasn't long before we were heading out the door and I was hit with an almost painfully cold gust of wind. I flinched and clung to my coat, pulling it closer to my skin. We all let out a groan of disapproval as we padded over to the car, only relaxing when we were inside of it and sheltered from the cold.

Our trip to the warehouse lasted too long for my liking. Clarke decided we should probably try and stock at least a month's worth of food supply. Each of us grabbed a cart and headed to different parts of the warehouse; I'd been stocking up my cart for a good twenty minutes now and decided to unload what I'd selected into the trunk of the car.

I was feeling sorry for myself being outside in the cold and my hands being bitten by the icy gushes of wind that came every few minutes.

Satisfied with myself once I'd emptied out the cart, I closed up the trunk and turned around in preparation to wheel the cart back inside and carrying on shopping – but something caught my eye.

I could see someone in the field behind the warehouse. They were heading in this direction at a steady pace; but I could only see their silhouette. I narrowed my eyes to try and get a better look, but then they started running. Was something coming for them? A walker? A survivor?

It wasn't until they were almost stood in front of me that I realised it wasn't a 'someone' at all. It was a 'something'. An advancer. They were snarling, drool pouring out from the gaps between their rotting teeth as it violently shook its head.

I wanted to run, or to scream, but I couldn't. And then I was knocked to the ground with only my hands to fend for myself. When I registered that the creature was actually on top of me, trying its best to sink its teeth into me, I slammed my mouth shut.

We were still unsure of what made this disease spread; other than a bite of course. Was it in their blood? Their saliva? Any bodily fluid? I didn't want this things drool going into my mouth. But then how would I call for help?

I started grunting to myself as I continued to cower from its teeth, my right hand wrapping around its throat and squeezing as best as I could whilst my left hand maintained my balance on the walkers (runners?) chest.

When I felt as though my head was tilted away enough to not get any drool in my eyes, nose, or mouth, I yelled. "HELP." as best as I could. One of the girls had to hear me, or have their cart full enough to come outside.

Either the creature was getting heavier, or my arms were getting weaker, but he continued to get closer and closer to the side of my neck. I could hear its teeth snapping together right next to my ear. If I didn't scream now, I was totally screwed.

My hands were shaking as my muscles strained, trying to the best of their ability to keep this thing away from my throat. The boisterous scream I let out as I continued to push myself back made it sound like I'd already just been bitten.

I squeezed my eyes and mouth shut just in time. I felt splatters of blood hit my face as the walker (runner) fell limp onto the floor beside me.

Before opening my eyes, I used my coat to rub my face. "What the hell!?" I shrieked as I grabbed the girls hand and hoisted myself up. "I thought I'd have to fucking die before one of you came out."

Clarke let out an exhausting sigh as she dropped the axe in her hand and rested her hands on her thighs. "You scared the shit out of me."

"Where are the other two? Did I not scream loud enough?" I continued to complain, continuing to wipe the droplets of blood from my coat.

"They're at the back of the warehouse. I was on my way out," Clarke explained as she gestured over to her full cart. Lauren and Lexa followed with their carts, chuckling to one another and remaining completely oblivious to what had just taken place.

"Oh great, you're only about ten minutes late to save me." I voiced my disapproval to the oblivious girls. "I'm already dead."

The two looked at me, completely blank eyed, before their eyes settled on the dead walker on the ground. It was only then that they realised how breathless both Clarke and I were.

Lauren's eyes widened in realisation as she abandoned her cart and came to assist me. She took me by the arms and her eyes darted over me in search for injury. "Are you okay?"

I noticed from the corner of my eye that Lexa was doing the same to Clarke. They were like parallels. "I'm fine," I sighed. "If it wasn't for Clarke coming out before you guys, I'd probably be one of those things right now." I gestured to the walker. Lauren gently tugged me into a hug and I willingly melted into her arms.

"Hey," Lexa addressed as she draped her arm around Clarke's waist. "Remember when we said we needed a plan for how we were going to deal with these things? I think we need to actually put that into place now."


A/N: heellooo another late update i'm SORRY.

but anyway, i think it's about time they put this plan into action. you never know what's around the corner..

see u guys next week.

- fay.

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