The Bar --- (Lams) 🌸🌸🌸

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John's POV

It was just like any other day, me and my best friends, Hercules and Lafayette were hanging out at our favourite bar while all getting drunk as hell. I was still pretty sober but the affects of alcohol were starting to settle in.

After a while, our friend Aaron Burr shows up with a nice looking guy.
And when I say nice I mean NICE.

He had straight long hair that was tied back into a ponytail, deep brown eyes that I got lost in, a slight stubble on his chin and was slightly shorter than me by a few inches (about two) I must of been starring because Herc and Laff soon caught on.

"Hey Laurens! Who ya starein' at?" Herc slurrs jokingly, all the alcohol he was having were starting to take an affect on him.

"What? I'm not starring at anyone!" I said, the slight blush that I had was becoming more visible.

"Mon ami, is it that one who's talking too Burr" Laff chimes in, pointing to the gorgeous man that stood by talk to Burr, only a few metres away. I feel my face heat up more and I don't even reply, I was too busy hiding my face.

Before I had even looked up Laff and Herc were making their way over too Burr and Mr. Handsome. They got their attention by annoying Aaron to a point were he looks over to me.

"Laurens,can you please make them stop?" He said with a tired look on his face, that caused the man I was starring at to look at me and Oh MY GOD HE IS SO MUCH BETTER LOOKING THAN I THOUGHT!!
I can feel the blush burn my face now as he walks over to me with the cheesiest smirk you'd ever see.

"Hey, my name's Alexander Hamilton. Who might you be?" He said putting his hand out ready for me to shake it.

"I'm J-john Laurens. It's a pleasure to meet you!" I cursed myself for stuttering. I took his hand, but instead of shaking it he goes ahead and kisses it instead. I might actually die, he's so amazing.

"The pleasure is all mine, why don't we head out back, just you and me, so we can talk more and get away from these drunk idiots" Alexander said to me and I smiled back at him.

"Of course! I'd love that!" I could stop the huge smile on my face, before I got outside ,I looked back at Laff and Herc, they were both giving me the thumbs up so I gave them a thumbs up back before heading outside with Hamilton.

We head outside, it's much quieter now, cooler too. Not that either of us minded it. We started talking, it changed from our interests, to hobbies, our favourite brands of alcohol, to eventually our sexualities. This caused me to come out as gay to Alexander.

"I'm bisexual myself, but you could make the straightest man on earth fall for you" he tells me and I feel my face go red again.

"Lexi, I know we've just met but.. I like you... like a lot..." I say blushing more and looking into his eyes.

"I like you too, John" he said hugging me, his face digging into my shoulder and his arms wrapping themselves around my waist.

I hugged him back my arms around his neck and I played with his hair slightly.

He looked up at me and I looked back into those amazing eyes of his, he came closer to my face and I felt myself move forward to him too.

Before either of us knew what was happening our lips connected and locked together perfectly. We continued to kiss for a while until we were interrupted by someone opening the back door.

"Hell yeah! Now Laffy owes me ten bucks!" We hear Herc yell from the door, he seemed even drunker than before. I saw the blush on Alexander's face which made him look even more adorable.

"We should do this again sometime" he says to me "I'd love to do this with you again, Alex"
"Call it a date then!" He smiles at me and I can't help but smile back.

"I can't wait!"


Woo! First one shot! Comment what you thought and/or What I should do next!


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