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Ellu there my lovely shippers in crime!! Here's the second chappie! Im not that good with POV's so this book will be in 3rd person. Also I'm not that good with fighting scenes, so if you guys could comment when the fight scene comes up that would be AWESOME!! Thanks a bunchers and enjoy!!


WAIT! Almost forgot! I would like to dedicate this chapter to Jasmineflower2001! Thanks a bunchers for the follow and I hope you like this chappie!!



"Lu-*wheeze* Lu-chan, gimme a sec! i cant keep up with you!" a small girl named Levy squeaked whilist attempting to keep up with her best friend and partner in crime, Lucy. These young girls have been friends since they were in diapers. Lucy's parents were the Alpha and Luna of the pack while levy's dad was the beta making her mom the betas wife.

"ya gotta keep up with me Levy-chan! come on you can get up here!" Lucy yelled down to her friend. the girls had been playing in the woods surrounding their pack house/village when they came across a giant tree in a clearing. lucy was so amazed by it that she decided to run towards it and start climbing. now at the moment lucy was at least 10 feet high into the tree while levy was still at the base of the tree looking up with worried eyes to her blond haired friend.

"mmm...Lu-chan! C'mon, get back down here so we can go back to the pack house!" Levy yelled out while pacing back and forth and looking up into the tree from time to time. Lucy had completely ignored levy and kept climbing as high as she could manage into the tree. Soon she began to grow tired so she searched for a sturdy enough branch that she could rest on. when she was sure that she was stable enough and comfortable she allowed her eyes to roam over the tree tops. he let out a small gasp at the sight before her. The sun was setting changing the skys colors from blue to pinkish orange in a matter of seconds. before she could allow herself she remembered that levy was still at the base of the tree. She took in the sight one last time before beginning her desent back to the bottom of the tree.

"ahh. levy-chan you should've come up there with me. the veiw was amazing!" Lucy gushed when she touched ground and turned to face her blue haired friend. But before she could continue something a yell was heard not to far from where the girls where.

"Lu-chan, w-what was that?" Levy asked a bit nervously.

"I dont know, lets go check it out" Lucy said while turning towards the sound. Before Levy could even think about protesting Lucy was already crawling underneath a bush.

"Lucy!" Levy whispered/yelled as she ran after her friend and crawling underneath the bush after her. when she got to where Lucy was she saw her friend staring wide eyed at something.

"Lucy? Lucy what is it?" Levy looked ahead and saw to guys, who most deffinately looked older than they were. Maybe four to six years at the most. One had raven hair and the other (?) hair. Lucy eyes seemed to have been trained on the pink haired one. She had a look in her eyes that levy couldnt figure out, but now wasn't the time for that. Levy turned back to lucy hearing her mumble something but quickly looked back when she saw the guys getting up to walk away. Levy covered lucy mouth hoping she wouldn't make any noise and they could possibly make it out of this situation alive and not in trouble.

"I heard some of the guards saying that they've been seeing some wolves from the Glistening Lights pack attempting to cross the river into our territory. Apparently the alpha is trying to start something..." said the raven haired boy to, who she thought would be, the pink haired boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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