Julia's pov I had a game today. I was in the batting. The boys and Melida were here. I heard them cheering for Daegu Boys.
The person pitched the ball and I hit it. I ran to first plate.
A few hours later Sports Speaker: DAEGU BOYS HAVE WON! THEY HAVE WON!
My team lifted me up as I held the trophy.
Julia: WE WON!
I shouted. I then got put down and we went into our locker room. The Seoul International Jocks ( S.I.J ) were upset.
Jackson: Great job, Julia! We killed it out there!
Woosoung: No, You killed it, Julia!
Julia: Thanks guys!
Jackson put the trophy in the trophy case. We were to celebrate somewhere with our coach, Coach Tyron. We all got change in separate places. I changed into this:
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That was my outfit.
A few hours later
Our celebration involed the amusement park. We couldn't bring anyone else just the time with us. So the boys and Melida bought themselves tickets because they wanted to go so bad. The next place I would go with my team was to Disney land but I'd rather go with my friends as well. Especially Yoongi. I've been in my room listening to a 1 hour of Min Yoongi speaking. His voice put me to sleep so here I am still listening and being asleep but I downloaded it and made a 48 hour one. What I hadn't realized was that my earbuds weren't in anymore.
Melidas pov We heard talking from upstairs. It was a males voice.
Jimin: Should we investage?
Jungkook: Yeah cause all of us are here.
Jin: That's right.
Melida: Alrighty let's go then.
We went upstairs and followed the voice.
Namjoon: Isn't that your voice Yoongi?
He nods.
Taehyung: But your with us? How-
I peeked into Julia's room. I awed at the site. She was asleep to Yoongi's voice.
Jimin: Why are you aw - ing?
Melida: * whispers * Look!
Then we were all looking inside to a sleeping Julia that's asleep to Yoongi's voice. The voice came from her laptop.
Jin: Isn't that cute?
Namjoon: Cuteee.
Julia Sleep Talking: Mr.Min! Julia Sleep Talking: No... I call you Mr.Min, Yoongles.
Melida: Should we wake her?
Yoongi: Before it gets embarrassing yes!
Melida: I was only joking. Let her sleep.
We all went downstairs expect for Yoongi. He stayed upstairs
Julia's pov The video I had on stopped. I didn't bother awaking. I felt someone move onto my bed since the covers lifted up. The person laid down. Then I cuddle with that person. My head on the person's chest, one leg on his, the other leg on the bed, my arm underneath the person, my other over the persons stomach. Then the person spoke.
Yoongi: * whispers * 분 줄리아, 사랑해. 무슨 일이 있어도. 다른 애들에게 Oppa 한테 전화하는 걸 좋아하지 않아. 나는 너의 Oppa 일 수있다. 달콤한 꿈, 공주님. ( Translation: Min Julia, I love you. No matter what. I dont like you calling other boys Oppa. Only I can be your Oppa. Sweet dreams, Princess. )
I smiled. It was Yoongi. He was Jealous. Okay I might have called Yeon Kisoung Oppa but that was once.... Lies... It was during the whole amusement park. I called all of my team mates Oppa. They're older than me. We call our coach, Coach Tryon Sunbae.
The whole night we were asleep like that. It was again we slept like this. The position I was in it seemed like I was like "Bitch, Back off he's mine. My Oppa get your own!". Which was true because I'm part wolf. And with wolves... You claim your mate once you've claimed your mate he/shes yours. So I guess I claimed Yoongi for my mate. Who would guess that I claimed him?? Melida. She would've.