Uyai (epilogue)

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The room had a cool ambiance, neon light caste beautifully on the mannequin highlighting the beautiful streamlined wedding dress draped over it. The stones on the dress glittered attractively, tempting to the touch.   

 Uyai  looked at her new design. The one she had painstakingly crafted having high hopes for it's patronage. She knew it was going to be her next big hit so she put her whole soul, body and emotion into it. But as she looked at it now, the desire to keep it for herself and shield it from the world hit her. Uyai wanted this dress for herself. The design, material and emotion put into it reminded her of herself; her growth, strength and of course her relationship with others. If someone had told her she would be where she was now, she would've have laughed in their faces and probably uttered a sarcastic comment like 'It's good to dream.'

The truth is, it is indeed good to dream. Without dreams, life would be static and stagnant.

Too engrossed in her thoughts, she didn't hear the door open and definitely didn't see the young man who strolled in with an hesitant pace. It was when she felt a comforting presence, did she feel the need to turn and when she did, she resisted a smile. 

He looked so uncertain and ridiculously handsome that she was tempted to hug him. 

Effiong gave a half grin and watched as her lips finally upturned in a little smile.

"I'm proud of you." He suddenly said.

"Thank you." She replied.

Suddenly the serene atmosphere became tensed. Heavy silence hung the walls and at once they both stole a look. One fleeting, the other stared long and hard.

Effiong couldn't help but quickly pull his eyes away. He could feel the charged atmosphere and as much as he wanted to pull her into his arms, he was wary. Especially after what happened the first few times he had attempted a proposal. No not attempt he had actually proposed and she rejected him four times. They said once bitten twice shy. Well he was shyer than ever. He knew what it meant to be rejected over and over again and trust him, it was a horrible feeling.

He made sure no one knew he cried every time she rejected him and even went the extent of googling why women reject men and the answers he found made everything worse. Oh like a man he had pretended to take it and had secretly been encouraging himself not to give up but please...he was human too. 

"I get it this is your new big design?" He suddenly asked to dispel the awkwardness making sure to avoid eye contact because he suddenly felt like he was being measured and it was unsettling.

"Yes." She said quietly.

Effiong sighed. He had ran out of words to say and she didn't even help one bit. What's with her and her one worded answers. It irked the hell out of him.

"'s quite hot here isn't it." He began to fiddle with the collar of his shirt.

Uyai cocked her head, "Is it? The AC is on."

 "Ha- ha" He gave a short nervous chuckle. Yep. You could say that was his last resort. Instead of standing and looking stupid while at it, he went around her to see and  feel the dress.

It was beautiful and when he felt it, the image that appeared in his mind was of Uyai in the wedding dress.  "It's beautiful." He voiced out with his back to her.

"Indeed..." she whispered. And immediately he turned to her. He saw the look in her eyes but ignored it 'cause he couldn't begin to interpret what it meant. He walked towards her determinedly but nervously and when he reached her, he took both of her hands in his.

Uyai looked at him expectantly, she pursed her lips and unexpectedly her heart began to race, rapidly that she feared he could hear it.

He smiled. It was unsure but still a beautiful smile.

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