Ven Meets Lillion

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Violet and Ven open the door to Lemon's house and step inside, where Vildred, Lyuwa, Lillion, and Lemon were already standing in the main area. Ven is dressed in a cute, but half untucked dress shirt and fancy sneakers and pants.

Vio: Hello! pats Ven's head Introduce yourself, Ven.

Ven: I don't like these clothes pouts

Vio: Well, you have to look nice when meeting new people and you also have to be polite. I tried my best to make you look just as handsome as myself. Now, introduce yourself.

Ven: stares holes into the floor before quietly speaking H-hi... My name is Ven...

Vio: Good job! This is my son :D

Lemon: ... You have a SON!?

Vio: Yes... It is a complicated story.

Lemon: Complicated? Could you explain?

Vio: explains how Ven suddenly appeared between him and Sez

Lemon: That sounds just like how Lillion appeared! Out of thin air with no explanation. Lillion claims to have been created with Kayron and Vildred's blood.

Vio: Kayron and Vildred?! This can't be a coincidence, can it?

Lemon: I'm not sure... leans over to look at Ven He looks just as handsome as his fathers :3

Ven: N-no... Daddy is better looking than me...

Vio: Nonsense! ruffles Ven's hair You're my son, so of course, you look just as stunning!

Ven: blushes Not really...

Vio: grabs Lemon's hand And you are beautiful today as well, even more so than usual. Your beautiful rose-red eyes cause my heart to ache~

Lillion: Awwww 

Ven: noticing Lillion, he blushes harder

Lemon: flushes and whips her hand away before mumbling At least he didn't inherit your dripping narcissism...

Lillion: You're cute! I wish my dads were like Vio... They fight all the time...

Ven: I-I'm not cute..! But... My dads fight too... Dad won't accept me as his son...

Lillion: Dad wants me to be a weapon or something. I have to train all day, but I just want to play with someone... looks down and whispers My other dad tries to make me happy... but I know he hates me too.

Ven: Y-you can play with me!

Lillion: looks up with a grin Really?!

Ven: Yeah... plays with his black wristband If you want to...

Lillion: I would love to! What was your name again?! Mine is Lillion!

Ven: Daddy named me Ven :3 I am happy to meet you, Lillion.

Lillion: blushes slightly Me too!!! ^w^

Vio: shows a sideways grin and announces loudly, targeting Lemon But he did gain my amazing charms~

Vildred and Lemon both sigh

Kayron appears between Lillion and Ven

Kayron: stares hard and heartlessly at Lillion What do you think you're doing? What did I tell you about "friends"?

Lillion: I-I'm sorry, Dad...

Kay: We're leaving grabs her by the arm

Lillion: struggles to look at Ven I have to go... It was nice to meet you!

Ven: his face falls in disappointment I-it's okay... We can play another time.

Lillion: I hope s-

Kayron and Lillion disappear

Ven: I wanted to play with her... She's the first person I've seen my age...

Vio: It's okay, Ven. You'll see her again. I'll teach you how to charm her~

Vil: Looks away from everyone, conflicted I'm not so sure...

Ven: I... Won't see her again?

Vil: Kayron... He wants to... 

Lemon: What is it, Vil?

Vil: I... can't say... I apologize.

Vio: grows annoyed That Kayron. He's worse than Sez.

Lemon: You aren't... Being controlled again are you?

Vil: ...

Lyuwa: glances away like she knows something

Ven: Daddy... That man scares me...

Vio: picks Ven up It's alright, Ven. I'm here to protect you.

Ven: But... Who will protect Lillion?

Vil: grits his teeth I'm trying... prepares to leave

Ven: Please protect her, mister...

Vil: I'll do my best, little one. Call me Vildred.

Ven: Vil... drad?

Vil: laughs Almost.

Ven: turns red in embarrassment 

Vil: Now, I must go.

Everyone says goodbye

Lyuwa: There goes the general of Ezera~ stares after him dreamily

Vio: I'm sure I am a much better leader than him! I'm always in the spotlight~ Flawless~ runs his hand through his hair dramatically

Ven: General..? Flawless..? steam comes from his ears

Vio: A general is someone of high rank that leads armies into battle.

Ven: Armies?

Vio: An army is a military force used to fight on land.

Ven: steam increases

Vio: plugs Ven's ears In short, they are a big group of people trained to fight others on land.

Ven: O-oh!

Vio: Flawless means without imperfections. They have no flaws. Nothing is bad about them.

Ven: Nothing bad about them... You're really cool, Daddy!

Vio: chuckles Thank you, Ven. Isn't your father so smart~ You are cool as well pokes Ven in the side

Ven: giggles N-not like you! Daddy is awesome!

Lyuwa: smiles endearingly That's so coot!

Outside, Vildred is walking down the path when he suddenly falls to the ground in pain

Vil: Ack! No... he grips his head and yells I won't allow you to control me!

Kayron appears in front of him

Kayron: Give in.

Vil: Grrrr...

Kayron: smirks evily It's working!

Vil: I-idiot... I'm stronger... Than that... lifts himself up

Kay: What?!

Vil: I told you... I won't continue to be controlled... I have to protect Lillion! grips his katana

Kay: growls in anger and disappears

Vil: I need to see Lillion! I can resist him! continues down the path with more confidence

~~This one was actually changed a lot x3 there were so many inside jokes and similar stuff that wouldn't make much sense to everyone else, but it's still the same story! I am obsessing over how cute Ven and Violet are together! Can't wait to do more!~~

Epic 7 Roleplay: Tales of Their FathersWhere stories live. Discover now