Chapter 1

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Stiles stumbled around Beacon Hills for about an hour, he debated going home but he couldn't let his father see. His dad, Sheriff Stilinski, would try to kill Matt if Stiles told him what happened tonight.

Stiles was at Matt's apartment earlier tonight, Matt had been in a bad mood for a while and had been abusing Stiles verbally. Although Stiles hadn't thought much off the verbal abuse, he didn't even consider it abuse. He let Matt say all those horrible things to him because Stiles was in love with him. Stiles thought Matt loved him too.

However, Matt was in an even worse mood than usual tonight and when Stiles spilt some water over Matt's favourite shoes, Matt erupted with anger and struck Stiles with such force that left a bruise straight away.

Before Stiles could even think about what he was going to do, Matt kicked him in the stomach. Then another punch and another kick. Again. And again. And again.

Matt just kept hitting Stiles with such rage that Stiles was too scared to even move. Once Matt finally stopped, Stiles picked himself off the floor, grabbed his coat and limped out the door not looking back at Matt. Matt didn't say a word as Stiles left.

Stiles now found himself outside Derek's apartment, he didn't realise that he had walked to Derek's place.

He was standing there for ten minutes. Stiles couldn't bring himself to knock. As Stiles was about to turn and walk away, Derek opened the door.

Stiles couldn't bring himself to lift his head to meet Derek's eyes.

"Stiles?" Derek asked, with a softness to his voice, that made Stiles feel like he was a little puppy standing there.

"Stiles, I could smell you for the last ten minutes. What's up? Why didn't you just walk on in like you usually do?" Derek asked.

Stiles still couldn't bring himself to look at Derek.

"Stiles. Stiles, I can hear your heart beating. What's wrong?" Derek was patient but after five more minutes of silence Derek couldn't take it anymore, "Stiles, look at me."

Derek didn't wait for Stiles to look, he grabbed Stiles face, a little too rough, to turn Stiles' face round to his.

As he grabbed it, Stiles let out a little yelp and Derek let go immediately. "Stiles, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to grab you that hard." Stiles was still looking at the floor and Derek still couldn't see Stiles' face.

"You didn't." Stiles croaked, turning his head up to finally look at Derek.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Derek screamed. "Who the hell did this?" Stiles couldn't reply, if he spoke he was going to cry.

"Stiles." Derek spoke angrily. "Who. Did. This." And with that, Stiles started crying. He fell to the floor, he couldn't hold his strength any longer. Derek knelt down and lifted Stiles up in his arms gently and carried him into the apartment closing the door with his foot.

Derek carried Stiles over to the soft chair and sat down with Stiles in his lap. Derek caressed Stiles, calming him down for about twenty minutes before either of them said anything.

"Stiles," Derek spoke so gently, "Can you please tell me what happened?" Stiles looked at Derek, all he could see was care in Derek's eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it." Stiles whispered.

"Please Stiles." Stiles never heard Derek say the world please, ever.

"Matt." That was all Stiles had to say for Derek to know what happened.

"I'm going to kill him." Derek growled.

"Please don't hurt him. He didn't mean-" Derek cut Stiles off.

"Don't you dare say he didn't mean to hurt you! He knew exactly what he was doing! You don't do this to some you care about!" Derek stood up, still careful enough not to move too much so that he didn't hurt Stiles.

Stiles sat on the chair alone while Derek paced up and down his living room.

"I'm going to fucking kill that bastard." Derek repeated.

"Derek? Can you please just not do anything to him tonight. Please, I don't want to be left alone." Stiles whispered, looking at his hands.

Derek stopped.

"I should bring you to the hospital." Derek looked at Stiles.

Stiles shook his head. "Please don't, I don't want to go to the hospital. Please Derek."

Derek sighed. He looked at Stiles and he could feel the pain he was in. Derek lifted Stiles up into his arms again, carefully.

Derek carried Stiles up to his bedroom.

"Come on, you can sleep in here with me." Derek said.

"I can sleep downstairs." Stiles whispered in reply.

"Hell no, you think I'm going to let you sleep on your own with those bruises on your face? You could have a concussion! I should ignore you and just bring you to the hospital but as you're in a lot of pain, I don't want to do anything to upset you more." Derek replied.

"Thank you." Stiles whispered with a slight smile in his voice.

"I care about you Stiles. Always have. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you tonight." Derek said, Stiles could hear the shame on his voice.

"Derek, this isn't your fault." Stiles said with much strength to his voice.

"I know, I just hate seeing you hurt. It angers me so much." Derek clenched his hands, trying not to walk out the door to kill Matt but that would mean leaving Stiles by himself and he didn't want to do that.

"Derek? I.." Stiles started to say but couldn't finish his sentence.

Derek grabbed Stiles' hand and took away most off Stiles' pain.

"Thank you." Stiles said sleepily.

"Come on, let's go to bed." Derek said simply.

They both got into Derek's bed, Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles and felt Stiles jerk a little when Derek touched him but neither of them said anything.

Derek was going to wait to get the full story in the morning after Stiles got some rest.

"Go to sleep Stiles, I'll be here all night. Don't worry." With that Stiles feel soundly to sleep.


Well that is Part one, some of you may have already read this chapter in my one-shots book but don't worry, the next chapter is coming very soon.

Hope you all like it!

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