Chapter 3

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By the time Jack walks through the door, the other customers can clearly see his upbeat manner. Of course, this lifts their spirits as well. Uncle Jack is happy, so they should be too, right? With a pep in their step, fans crowd around the man, greeting him and asking questions and for autographs. Becoming flustered and nervous, Jack's a little shaky as he scribbles down his signature on napkins and papers, shaking some people's hands and giving half hugs to others.

It takes a bit, but he finally gets to the front, the cashier grinning at him. He wonders if anyone can pick up that he's not on Joy, but he doesn't dare let the panic show. The man behind the counter seems friendlier than he normally is to customers, and Jack wonders if it's only because of who he is. Did they all notice his withdrawal but didn't say anything because he was "Uncle Jack"?

He purchases his items, making up a lie that he needed to fix some of his clothes and a couple things around his house. When asked why he doesn't just hire someone for it, he brushes it off, saying that he likes to do things himself instead of waiting for the council workers to show up. Everyone knew how slow they were, and the cashier just chuckles and nods at his explanation. Taking his things and saying goodbye to everyone, Jack makes his way out of the store. He looks down at the piece of cloth, rubbing his thumb over it. He can't get seem to stop thinking about Arthur for long. It's so unusual to meet someone that's as organic as him. All of the other Wellies were like robots, wasted on Joy and doing whatever "Uncle Jack" told them.

He stops for a moment, looking around. The Parade was was bustling with citizens and bobbies, their happy masks shining bright in the sunlight. They all look so happy, walking back and forth. He wonders what they do at home, whether they keep up this game of taking Joy and acting happy, or if they stop it all and go back to normal. Tucking the piece of cloth into his pocket, he makes his way over to the little park a few streets over from his home. He takes a seat on a park bench, staring out at the ocean in front of him. The sounds of the crashing waves is calming and he sits back, taking in the scenery. He gets lost in it all, finally relaxing after what seems like ages. The anxiety and depression disappears as he watches the rising sun. Slowly, he reaches up, removing his mask and letting the cool breeze hit his face. It sends a pleasant chill down his spine, and he lets a small smile spread across his face. He closes his eyes, resting his mask in his lap and tilting his head back.

"I'm surprised to see you out here," The voice startles him and Jack jolts himself upright, mask falling to the ground in his panic. Before he can retrieve it, a hand's already reaching out and grabbing it. The glasses make him calm down, and Jack smiles at Arthur as he takes his mask back.

"Sorry!" He puts his mask back on, scooting over and making more room for Arthur to sit next to him. "I didn't think anyone would come out here..."

"Sometimes it's nice to stop and think," he tells him softly, "Think of what to do next."

"What is your plan, Arthur?" he asks. There's a moment of silence and the man shrugs.

"Find my brother," he murmurs, "get out of the Parade and do... something?"

"You don't seem sure," He admires Arthur, the man's brown eyes looking lost.

"I just..." He shakes his head, shrugging once more. "I don't completely know, Mr. Worthing. Percy wasn't like the other kids, you know? He didn't know how to talk to other people. I just hope he learned how to in order to survive."

They sit there, talking about the possibilities of Percy being alive and how Arthur would be able to leave the Parade and make it out to the Britannia. Jack brings up the old Motilene Mine underneath the Broadcast Tower, and Arthur seems to perk up at this information. Of course he warns him that it's dangerous and he should find another way, and even though Arthur agrees, Jack knows deep down that that's the way the man is going. He seems so excited to leave Wellington Wells and finding his brother that he's not concerned about safety. And when he asks Jack's plan with his newfound freedom, the man pauses. He hadn't really put that much thought into it. Sure he had hated how he was; how he forgot his daughter and what had happened. The thought that these people could remove the memories of his little girl enraged him, but he didn't let Arthur see. However, he still hadn't thought of a plan for himself.

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