Growing Flower

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you are blocked from everything because I don't want or need to have you in my life you are a negative person and I'm tired of your lies your manipulation your drama in general I have better things to do with my time and life and with you gone I can live my life without you holding me down and keeping me stuck I notice you like to be in one place and that's in a rut on rock bottom while I'm trying to grow and be more than a nothing living on the ground I'm flying high and growing like a flower in the sun and you were the plant poison that was killing me slowly to keep me feeling like you were what I needed to survive and i was meant to be low on the ground you will not trick me into being a dead flower on the cold hard ground because that where you feel you belong I have a mind of my own I cant think for myself which is what you tried hard to do was to think for myself you always lead me to the dark but lead me to believe that you were leading me to light that was clearly in the opposite direction you deserve someone that is small minded like you are so dvonte is a good fit for you this is my final goodbye


without love sincerely Kevon West.

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