2nd book // sequel

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        Ellllo my beautiful readers, since I've finished 'something' I've been getting messages and requests if there would be a sequel. Due to the requests I've been given and inspiration I had, I wrote a sequel to 'something' called 'where we fell'. Since 'something' was short, I made 'where we fell' longer to show more growth which 'something' did not present (also to answer the unanswered questions many have about plot & characters). ALSO 'where we fell' will be in HIS point of view, instead of hers, since we all know there are two sides to every story. ;^)

        The story is completely written so I shall be updating every other day and so on. Thank you to those who have been with me through the beginning of my works on Wattpad, including the story 'something'. Writing and posting my stories on here would not be complete and done so without all your amazing support.♡♡♡ xx

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