Hyouka -- Houtarou Oreki

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[Third Person's POV]




“Don’t tell me, it’s that hard to decide,” The male narrowed his eyes at the girl.

“I’m sorry, but it is since they all look so delicious!” The female pouted towards him and returned her gaze back at the display of sweets.

Houtarou sighed as he stood up from bending down in front of the display. A tiny smile appeared meanwhile he watched the still deciding [Your Name]. Both of them were going to buy cake, because they were hanging out right after school.

It was strange, because Houtarou had this unusual feeling growing inside his chest for a period. [Your Name] had changed his thought of her; her personality, her look, her [Hair Length] [Hair Color] hair … And her beautiful [Eye Color] eyes. Every time they were spending time together alone, made his heart somehow beat faster, whenever he took steps to the next levels.

“Ah! This one, Houtarou-kun!” She smiled brightly at the boy, finally picking out the dessert she wanted – all through he was fine with what she would like to have.

“Good,” he nodded, turning his head at the baker assistant. 

“One of these, please,” Houtarou ordered, at the same time he pulled out his wallet from his pocket before paying the cake.


“This is so tasty!” [Your Name] dazzled as she ate her last piece of the [Your Favorite Cake].

The boy agreed as well with a nod. He was actually surprised that the cake was seriously that good than the bakery he normally went to.

After a few moments the girl became silent all of  sudden. Her smile got smaller soon she was finished eating. Kind of a sad one she formed.

The two of them were sitting alone on a bench in the park, strangers passed them.

“Say, Houtarou-kun…” [Your Name] started.

“Hm?” he turned his head at her. He began to worry about her, what filled her mind at the moment.

[Your Name] didn’t look at him, only her eyes were on her empty paper plate along with her plastic fork that once had a piece of the [Your Favorite Cake]. She then took it and threw it in the trash beside the bench.

There was a long pause before she spoke.

“… I’m moving away.”

Without warning Houtarou felt his heart drop.

“Why?” He asked without any changes in his voice.

“My mom’s work is doing better than before, so the company is moving to another big area, near the even bigger cities…” [Your Name] was calm, Oreki couldn’t be more concerned.

It meant, they could no longer see each other. When everything started to near the happy ending, it switched into a different direction.

“I’m sorry, Houtarou-kun,” the girl gave him a troubled smile, all at once tears started to form in the corners of her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

“Oreki-san?” a voice called.

Houtarou fluttered his green eyes open, seeing a girl with long black hair. Beside her a field-brown haired boy and a short sepia-brown haired girl stood there too.

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