Chapter 9

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"Louis darling"

"Wake up"

Louis shifted in his bed and huffed, the sound of his alarm and a distinct voice not appealing to his current state. He was exhausted from sleeping a little later than his original curfew time, and now, not delighted with the idea of having to get up and go to school.

"Louis sweetie, you're going to be late for school"

Louis slightly opened his eyes and blinked, his surroundings unusual than the ones he had last seen. He tilted his head and realized he was in his room, covered in his sheets and tucked in neatly into the mattress.

"Earth to Louis"

Louis head snapped to his left and let out a breath of relief when he saw Anne, the woman smiling down at him so sweet and amused.

"M-M' Sorry. what did you say?"

"Nothing Love, you need to get ready for school. Harry's downstairs waiting for ya."

The color of Louis face drained and got up so quickly, Anne swore she could feel a breeze. She left the room chuckling at Louis and his strange behavior, not a bit suspicious of his priorities and what really went through his mind at the mention of his son.


*Louis POV*

fuck fuck fuck fuck, im so dead.

I stumbled down stairs and ran towards the front door, my glasses constantly slipping down my nose and my finger clumsily having to push them back.

Harry hated being late, this was one of the first things he had told me not to do. 
The thought of me loosing my brand new earned privileges seemed more dreadful than it actually was, stupid really, but my step brother was my step brother

My step brother and his stupid ways.

I froze when I arrived at the front door, Harry already leaning on the frame and looking down at the ground, shaking his head in what seemed disappointment

"I'm sor-"

"This is what being nice costs me and this is why I don't do it."

Harry let his eyes trail from the floor back up to me, the darkness in his eyes erupting a million fearful feelings into my body. Disappointment or regret lured in them, and neither or was going to benefit me in anyway.

"Wipe that look off your face and lets get going. Im going to have to drive by The Bakery and get you a speedy breakfast meal. I dont want to be called to the office because you passed out in First Period."

My Step brother pushed himself off the wall and unlocked the front door, heading out while i followed in his steps. I made sure to lock the door on the way out and run quickly to the passengers side of Harry's car, not wanting to make him wait longer.

Jumping in, I fastened my seatbelt and placed my backpack on the floor in front of me, looking at my shoes while he began to pull out the driveway.

I heard him murmur a couple of things before he began to hum, curiosity in me begging me to take a peek at him to see what he was doing.

In doing so, our eyes met, and once again, the feelings resurfaced, my inner self melting like a pot of nacho cheese on a flaming burning stove.

"I see you Louis. I see you every time you look at me."

I looked away and herd as his chuckles echoed through the car.


The silence that approached was then overcomed by the sound of the Stereo being turned on, the tension inside of me decreasing as we drove around the neighborhood looking for a bakery.

My Step Brothers Keeper (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now