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This is my very first book so I'm sorry if it's bad and don't forget that this is a FanFiction so the characters do not represent the real people, I hope you enjoy it!!!
"It's your turn to cook dinner" y/n says with her belly rumbling while rubbing it, "no, I cooked last night" your best friend Sohee said with her eyebrows furrowed.

You sigh with a rumbling belly getting ready to prepare yourself something to eat, as your putting the water on the stove to boil your phone dings signalling that you got a notification and as you checked it was a text message informing you that you got a job as a dance teacher but you didn't know whether you was teaching kids or adults as it didn't specify but you was desperate for money so you didn't really care. As you read the message it notifies you that you will be starting next week at 9:00am.

You squeal with excitement as you will be earning money and that you wouldn't be cooped up in your two bedroom apartment all day long. "Sohee Sohee" you scream her name as loudly as you can, which causes her to jump as she is right next to you, she turns to you with an annoyed face but your too excited to care. "I got the job" your jumping up and down, not caring about being hungry any more, "well done, but your too excited for getting one simple job" "not any job but my dream job" she furrows her eyebrows and roll her eyes while walking away with her glass of juice in her hand.

One week later:

Your alarm rings at 6:00am meaning that it is time to wake up and get ready for the day ahead, you awaken groaning and not wanting to get up but you drag yourself out of your warm and comfortable bed to go get into the shower, your in the shower for about 30 minutes and when you get out you brush your teeth and blow dry your hair, you then go into your wardrobe wondering what to wear on your first day as a dance teacher, since your not a fussy girl when it comes to clothes it's quite easy and fast to pick an outfit but since you need to dance it's more tricky to decide on what to wear.

About 5 minutes has passed when you finally decide what to wear and since it's summer you decide to wear black leggings that shows the curve of your nice butt and a sports black tank top that shows the tiniest bit of cleavage with black and white  trainer's, once your satisfied with your outfit you then go to curl Your hair into nice loose curls and then tie it up into a ponytail, you decided to curl your hair since your hair is very flat and the curls give it a little more volume.

Once your finished getting ready it's 7:00am and since you have one hour left till you need to leave for work, you decide to have your favourite cereal which is Frosties with a glass of orange juice, you scroll through your social media on your phone while eating, it takes you about 15 minutes to eat your cereal and finish your glass of orange juice. Since you still have 45 minutes until you need to leave, you decide to watch a episode of a TV show while your phone charges.

It's 8:00am and time for you to leave for work and that's the time when you get a notification and it was a text message, giving you the address of where your working "JYP Entertainment" you say aloud without realising, you suddenly got nervous but still excited and you brush off your nervousness and get your keys for your car and head to work.

As you enter the big building someone approaches you and bows "are you y/n" she question with a bright smile on her face "uh oh yeah, hello" you bow politely greeting this lady "please follow me, I will take you to the dance studio" she puts her hand out showing you the way to go and you start to walk in that direction with her trailing next to you, after 2 minutes of walking your finally in front of the doors to the dance room "here we are"" she opens the door for You "have a nice day" she walks away with a smile, she seems robot like, the way she talks and walks is almost like a robot which you found quite strange.

Dance Teacher // SKZ Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now