Secret Lovers

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(Third Person's POV)

Nya and Skylor were at a cafe in New Ninjago City. They were just talking about random stuff. Until Skylor brought up this topic..........

"So Nya, are you finally going to confess to Lloyd? Valentine's Day is tomorrow. " Skylor said to her

"Wait, VALENTINE'S DAY IS TOMORROW?!" Nya asked/shouted

"Yeah I thought you knew. 😏 Or were you to busy thinking about him." Skylor said with a smirk on her face

Nya tried not to blush, but failed miserably

"Iii.....It's not like that. I was just really busy this week. So I frgot about it." Nya said still blushing

"Mmmmhhhh" Skylor said

"It's true" Nya replied

Skylor laughed

"Jeez, I'm just messing with you. But seriously, are you going tp do something for him though?" Skylor asked her

"I don't know, I want to confess to him but what if he rejects me?" Nya asked her

"I doubt that" Skylor said

"What makes you say that?" Nya asked

"Oh nothing" Skylor said

"Anyway, what do you think I should do?" Nya asked Skylor

"Well, you could bake a cake for him." Skylor suggested

"Cole will try to eat it, before I even gove it to Lloyd." Nya said

"How about you buy him a present?" Skylor suggested something different

"I only have three dollars, that is barely enough to buy a card." Nya said

"Well, I can't think of anything else." Skylor said

"Wait, I have an idea, what if I write him a letter." Nya said

"Yeah sure, but what will you write on the letter." Skylor asked

"I know what I want to write, but I'm going to need your help." Nya told her

"Okay, let's pay and then we could go back to the air temple." Skylor said

Time Skip

At the air temple

Skylor and Nya were in Nya's room

Nya just got done with a letter and handed it to Skylor, so that she could read it

"What do you think?" Nya asked Skylor as she read it

"I LOVE IT" Skylor yelled/said

"Ssshhh, I dont want anyone to hear" Nya told her

"Oops sorry, I love it though." Skylor told her

"Now just leave it to me, I'll slide it under his door. He won't suspect a thing, as long you don't put your name on it." Skylor then said

"Why, would I not put my name on it?" Nya asked

"Because, then it would be a surprise. And you know that he loves surprises." Skylor said

"Well I did have another surprise for him." Nya said

"What was it?" Skylor asked

Nya whispered the second surprise in Skylor's ear

"That's AMAZING!" Skylor said

"Well I got a go, Kai wanted to see me." Skylor told her

"Okay have fun, bye." Nya said

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