I smile

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The next day

"I can't believe we had to leave because you embarrassed yourself!", Christine whined, throwing herself on the bed. Sunny rolled her eyes at her best friend. "I told you...we left so you wouldn't get involved in a scandal. Damn you were about to kidnap that poor boy." Christine was about to talk back but Sunny wouldn't let her. "Don't even try to deny it. I saw it clearly." Pouting, her best friend slumped down again, starting to play with her phone. "How were you even able to see anything?! According to what you told me you obviously were preoccupied...", she wiggled her eyebrows and Sunny rolled her eyes once more. "Once again...I was only teasing him. He totally wasn't my type.", she stopped mid applying lipstick, remembering the guys smile, "Though his smile was really pretty." Sunny shook her head and continued spreading the red color on her lips. Christine just grinned, not commenting. "Anyway...that bar was so not worth going. Next time I'm choosing the place.", Sunny determined. Christine shrugged. "Fine. But hurry up. You know the others won't be late and I don't want to keep them waiting." Sunny nodded, finishing her look and getting ready to leave. The girls had promised some friends to meet for lunch, which in hindsight was not the best idea after a long night. But they hadn't seen the others in a while and couldn't wait to catch up with them.

The restaurant was in one of the more expensive neighborhoods, something Sunny already didn't like about it. However Momo, one of her closest friends, had picked it because of the central location and the apparently amazing food. Upon arrival the first thing Sunny noticed was the amount of fitness studios in the area. "Geez. Why are there so many fitness studios?! First sport and then heavy food or what's the idea?!", she chuckled. Christine looked around. "Well I don't know, but now I want a seat by the window. Look at this amazing view." She pointed at the glass windows through which the people training could be seen clearly. Sunny rolled her eyes. Typical. "I never understood why they always have glass windows anyway.", she stated and entered the restaurant first. "So the people outside can enjoy their afternoon walks.", Christine laughed. Inside they easily found their friends. They had chosen a table by the window, yippie. "Momo! Celeste!", Sunny exclaimed happily. Their friends noticed them and stood up to embrace them. "Oh my god! We haven't seen each other in forever!", Christine breathed excitedly. "Woah! Celeste! The hair color is amazing! Did you try to fit your hair to your name?", Sunny asked, taking in the light blue, short hair her friend was sporting. Celeste did an exaggerated hairflip and laughed, her nose stud glittering in the sunlight. "Momo yours look sooo good too!", Sunny continued and switched her gaze to her other friends red thatch. The girl simply smiled. "Thanks." They all sat down and started talking about everything that had happened since the last time they had met. "By the way...where is Tiara?", Christine asked after a minute or so. Sunny chuckled and cupped her chin in her hand. "Let me guess, late as always." Everybody laughed a little, remembering Tiaras tendency to come late. It was nothing new, just a trait they had come to love. "So how are you guys doing?", Celeste asked, leaning forward in excitement. Sunny shrugged, slurrping the banana milkshake the waitress had brought. "Nothing interesting. You know...college stuff." Celeste rolled her eyes. "You know I mean your love life. Who cares about college?", she said, showing a lopsided smile. Sunny gave a groan. When were they ever gonna stop talking about that?! Momo chuckled, watching them. Since she had gotten herself a boyfriend she was a lot calmer and of course unimpressed by this topic. Celeste had been in a relationship ever since you had met her but it was her favorite topic and Sunny was an easy target. "I could have gotten myself a goddamn Idol yesterday! But Sunny totally blocked me and dragged me home to sleep instead!", Christine complained. Sunny glared daggers at her best friend. Celeste raised a brow in amusement. She knew as well as Sunny did that Christine was exaggerating. Luckily Tiara entered and safed the group from Christines rant about his perfect jawline, which, in all honesty, noone quite understood. "Sorry I'm late!", Tiara said loudly, a few people turning to find the source of the noise. Her hair flew around her head wildly and she had lost one glove on the way, which in combination with her colorful clothes made her look just as little an adult as Sunn if not even worse. No one would believe Tiara was actually older than both, Christine and Sunny. The group greeted the newest arrival with hugs and smiles. When Tiara had sat down and tamed her hair it was once again Celeste that asked the question with a sly smile. "So...how are you doing?" Knowing Celeste as long as all of them Tiara immediately knew what was up. "Oh God Celeste. Not everyone can find Prince Charming just around the corner. Can we leave it be?" Celeste laughed a little, made a careless gesture and added: "Well no one expects you guys to find Mr.Perfect right away. I just want a little bit of gossip. Do you guys not go out?!" Tiara and Sunny exchanged glances, then laughed, both knowing that they definitely had no gossip to share. The waitress came up to them to get their orders one more time and the girl talk officially started.

At the same time a guy not too far away finally realized the benefit of the stupid glassfront of their fitness studio. He had had a shit day. Yesterday he had decided to use a once in a lifetime chance to go out but totally forgot he still had work the day after. Hung over and depressed after a more than unsuccessful night he leaned on the counter. He glanced out the window every once in a while. Around midday he spotted a familiar figure outside at the other side of the street. Suddenly standing up straight he watched the two girls look over at the fitness studio. His heart beat faster, wondering if they would see him but a second later they entered the restaurant and his heart fell again. He watched them move through the restaurant and greeting more girls at a table. With a small smile he leaned against the counter again. She sat down in the chair facing his direction and he didn't even notice someone had entered until the person called him back to reality. While typing the customer ID into the computer he still glanced out the window, fearing she would just suddenly be gone. But she wasn't. She stayed for a long time and he just watched her smile, feeling content.

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