Annalise Torchwood

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I screamed as he put my hand over the fire, my flesh began to melt away and as it started to grow back again to be burned away immediately, he dropped my hand in the fire and kicked me over to it and pored boiling hot water all over me and then he began to hit the tender skin with his belt as he told me over and over it was my fault I closed my eyes and fell down pretending to have passed out from the pain. I felt blood trickle down my back he realised that I had stopped screaming so he chucked an empty beer bottle at my face and satisfied that it had smashed and sunk into my skin, he walked out of the door after grabbing his coat. I waited for a minute before I began to pull glass out, my skin had already healed over it so I had to reopen the wound and rip it out I screamed in pain as it came out bringing a chunk of muscle with it, it began to squirt blood everywhere so to stop it from getting on the carpet I raced out the back door and went down an alleyway until I was far enough away from home so I began the process of ripping out the glass using a knife to cut the skin, in the corner was a weevil,

"I'm Annalise, whAHHHHHHHHHHHHt are yoAHHHHHHHu doing here AH!" I asked it through screams, just then I heard footsteps running towards here so I hid behind the weevil and took out my gun and continued to cut out the glass one of the piece was so stuck in that it ripped out loads of muscles when it came out I screamed really loud and dropped my knife blood pouring from the wound, I began shaking violently as the wound repaired itself more blood was coming out and my screams got louder, the footsteps came to a stop

"Good god, what's it done to her?" asked one voice, it was a girl's voice

"Nothing, this AHHHHHH waAHHHHHHsn't tAHHHHHHHHHHhe Weevil" I replied pointing my gun at the people, I lifted my head up and looked one of the in the eye "Captain JAHHHHHHHHHHHck HarknAHHHHHHHs, never thougAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHt i wouAHHHHHHHHld see yAHHHHHou again." and with that a massive pain causing me to scream really loud came and my arm stopped hurting and the wound closed up, "Gwen Cooper, how you've grown doubt you'll remember me though you were too young last time you saw me, but I've tried my hardest to keep an eye on you, how's Rhys?, Owen Harper, my my you haven't changed a bit since you spoke to me last, I'm glad your happy, last week was hilarious not that you'd know you were way to drunk! Toshika Sato, you still going strong with your love of technology I see, and what about Ianto Jones, still look good in suit does he?" They all looked at me in shock and I smiled put the gun away and grabbed the knife and began the process again and took out all of the big lumps I didn't scream once, I heard footsteps come towards me and then they grabbed the knife. Owen.

"What are you doing, you'll get infected if you just leave these wounds open, you should co-"

"Thanks, but I'm.... different so to speak, these wounds should heal up in no time" and as I spoke the wound I just made disappeared, my skin began to tingle "Get down!" I yelled standing up and as soon as everyone did the glass shot out of my skin at such a speed it all got stuck in the wall, "Sorry about that, I'll leave you to get on with your work, and tell Ianto that Lisa was a remarkable person and I hope that he can eat some pizza soon, he'll know what I mean." With that I got up chucked my knife it the air and caught it in my pocket a hand was placed on my shoulder and I turned around and came face to face with Gwen Cooper, "At least tell us what happened to you,"

"That would be my abusive stepfather dear, he likes his drink a bit too much, and whenever he's drunk he likes to take everything out on me, mostly because he thinks I'm the reason that his wife left, poor man. Who cares, he has pretty knives I use when he's out, and they're really pretty......"

"WHAT!!! You're going back to him!?!" Owen yelled

"Where else would I go? I've got no where else to stay, he gives me food every couple of weeks or so and I can drink water out the tap when he's gone, I have a cupboard to sleep in, it's a little cramped but who am I to complain?"

"You get food every couple of weeks!?!" Tosh exclaimed

"You sleep in a cupboard?" Gwen asked

"My step parents don't like me much as you can tell, my mother was worse to me so really I'm actually quite lucky"

"Jack we can't leave her with him, do you know anywhere she can go?"

"Well, if she comes with us she won't have a bed to sleep in so....." Jack replied looking awkward, I would be too if I was him, I don't

"I don't sleep much, don't see the point of it if there's no dreams.... all I need is water ever few weeks and I'm fine where I am any way, so I'm going to love you and leave you, my step-dad will be getting back soon and if I'm not there on time with my dinner he'll shoot me, no joke" I added seeing the amused look on Jack's face which quickly turned to disgust, I sighed I'm used to the looks of disgust but it still hurts every time I get one, I keep hoping that one day I won't get that look I guess I'll just have to keep waiting for it "Bye guys, have fun with the weevil!" I smiled and with that I was off.

Annalise Torchwood (Don't Read - it is terrible!!)Where stories live. Discover now