At Torchwood

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"Torchwood really need to update their security" I muttered climbing through the newly made hole in the floor, I had just broken into Torchwood and was making a place for me to stay close enough to know whats going on and to see them, not close enough for them to see me. I had gone home and after many hours of pain and torture on my behalf, Frank had finally left, I think he was going to find some people stupid enough to play poker with him... basically I'm bored and Torchwood was probably the easist place for me to find some entertainment, Frank won't miss me until tomorrow afternoon and they had food, I could also help Jack sleep sounds slightly phedifilic but its true, if i touch his head when he is lying down he is fully rested and he has dreams, but he forgets about my presence and the dreams when he wakes up if i touch his head again, odd but sometimes helpful.

I smiled as i looked at the hole, their was a massive chest taking up most of the hole i opened it up and looked inside at the things on the top, it had a picture of the doctor, me and Jack laughing our heads off and pulling funny faces at the camera, i sighed good times... shame none of them remember me but its for the best. It also contained a thin blanket given to me by River when i left the jail, we were room mates at one point i loved it such fun, and i had a small pillow from Donna's parents I saved Donna when she began to remember once and helped out about the house until I had to leave again we where great friends at one point I let them remember me but they took an oath that made it impossible to tell any one that they knew me. I had a small plate I was given by Tosh when I stayed with her, I helped her with some technology thing once and she made a plate in the pottery class she took before she joined Torchwood, Owen gave me a jumper that belonged to him when i saved him from cybermen wearing nothing but a tank top and shorts, I had used one of my abbilities to hide all my scars to avoid questions, in the middle of december,  I wear it at night for pajamas, and then i have the coffee cup that Ianto gave me just before i wiped me from his memories. I sighed, life is just plain depressing sometimes, but you know what they say 'don't regret anything you do because you didn't regret it when you did it', at least thats what Rivs told me.

I let out a huge yawn, closed the box and put the floor back on top of the hole and got changed into my jumper and setteld down to sleep on the mud with my head on my hands, i could hear Jack shooting guns in the training room and the aliens in the containment cells as I felt myself slowly drift into darkness.


I woke up feeling completely rested and smiled, today would be a busy day! I could hear people talking and everyone working away on the computers and Jack talking to Ianto about coffee, hmmm it was Ianto's birthday in three days and I knew just what to get him


I got up and changed into my clothes and did my hair with Sarah Jane's brush, (long story.....) double checked none of my scars or bruises where showing and opened the floor silently and climed out and put it back on making sure there was nothing to indicate that I had been here, I smiled and walked up to Owen's desk and sat down I began to fiddle with his computer and checked through his files, I saw one named TOXIN and clicked on it, he had created a toxin called Amaranthine Gas, Amaranthine Gas is a dangerous gaseous substance found in some caves. When characters enter the white mist, they quickly start taking poison damage at about 6% every half-second. how interesting what a lovely gas but the white mist was soooooooooooooo boring so i decided to change all of the chemicals and redo everything so it was purple mist instead of white and 2% poison damage per every half second.

"Done!" I proudly stated looking over my work satisfied I turned around to face three guns pointed at my head Owen, Tosh and Jack holding their guns at my head, I simply smiled at them. "I see that Gwen remembers me and that Ianto hasn't got his gun, Owen is running low on bullets and Jack is in love with his gun and Tosh has never fired a bullet from this particular gun, so how are you all? Its hasn't been long since I saw you last, a day?"

"You're that girl from the alleyway aren't you? the one with all the blood and the glass in her arm, right?" Gwen asked

"Lovely to see you too Gwen, so how is everyone? Oh, Owen i made some slight changes to the Ama Gas so you might want to check them out later" i replied.

"What did you do!?! It took me weeks to finish that!" Owen screamed at me and ran over to check the computer

"Oh, i just changed the gas to purple, and changed the poison intake to 2%. God i'd forgotten you could get this moody!" I laughed "You should have seen him at that party, bouncing off the walls you ruined Lisa's carpet she gave you a good telling off! Then of course, you joined Torchwood and then I....... Right! I've said too much, so how is everybody doing? you didn't answer me the the first time!"

"How did you know about Lisa? You weren't at the party, how did you know!" Owen turned shouting at me, I'd forgotten how touchy he was when it came to his old friends, would he have been this touchy about me if i hadn't wiped his memory.... "ANSWER ME!" hw yelled right in my face

"I can't tell you, but I'm sorry forget i said anything!" I said, having my old best friend scream at me hurt i'm not gonna deny it, "Just forget, look I, ugh! This was a bad idea I'm just gonna go, forget i was here and continue with whatever yoour doing" i said looking at the floor, i stood up and walked over to the door, i held back a sob when i remebered that he had promised never to hurt or shout at me, promises can be broken the Doctor's proof of that. I typed in a code and just as i was walking through the door

"Wait!" Gwen shouted "Don't go, we'll forget about that, just come back!" i turned and looked at her

"Come on, I'll show you how to use a gun" Jack called walking towards me

"You, teach me how to use a gun? Please, who d'ya think taught you?" I smirked at him "You nearly shot my head off first time you used it, and you should have seen you with a rifle ! God, It's a good job i'm like you is all i'm saying" he laughed and walked over to me

"Well, we check if i've improved then hadn't we?" He grabbed my hand and walked me over to training.

Annalise Torchwood (Don't Read - it is terrible!!)Where stories live. Discover now