Reunited 🤞🏻

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Text message:

??: I know you kissed the teacher

Y/n: who is this

??: it's........

??: I'm somebody you know

Y/n: what? Who?

??: meet me after school tmr by the side building... alone

Y/n: k

End of messages

A: I don't want you going alone y/n

Y/n: it's fine what can they do to me

A: y/n I can't lose you

Y/n: hey baby it's ok nothing going to happen

A: ok......

Y/n: wanna go out for drinks

A: ooooo ok haha

Y/n: let's go by my house so I can get changed

A: ok

You guys go back to your house you put on a nice dress for Alex, it is a low cut dress that is short and almost shows your ass but not really. You go downstairs and Alex looks you up and down and licks his lips

A: mmmh we gonna have fun tonight

Y/n: shut up

You guys go for drinks when you come back you see that all of your guys friends where waiting outside your house

Y/n: OMG GUYS!!!!

All: heyyyyyy what's up

Y/n: I missed you guys

Alex goes and says hi and while he is saying hi you are looking to see if someone is there

??: miss me

You turn around


You jump into his arms and hug him so tight, Carlos is your closest friend! Alex looks a little bit jealous but he is ok with it.... I think..

C: I MISSED YOU TOO! how are you?

Y/n: good! You

C: good. You still look hot asf

Y/n: shut up

You and Carlos always make sexual jokes to eachother

C: Wanna play Fortnite

Y/n: bet hah, I'll let ur dumb ass win

C: what let me win

Y/n: hahah

A: hey baby I'm tired to imma go to bed

Y/n: ok goodnight

A: 😐

Alex looks a little disappointed but you missed Carlos and wanted to hang out with him.

Y/n: haha I won

C: ugh you cheated

Y/n: whatever u still a baby

C: get over here

Carlos chases you around the room and grabs you, he throws you on the bed and starts tickling you


C: nope


he keeps tickling you, finally you push him off and he lays next to you

Y/n: ugh.... I.... hate u

C: haha ok sure u do

You guys go on your phones, while he lays next to you. You look at Carlos and he looks at you

C: what?

Y/n: um.... well... I know this is kinda werid.....but..... um.....

C: what is it y/n?

Y/n: you know what nvm

C: y/n were close you can tell me anything

Y/n: well... um... can u sleep next to me tonight....

C: ........

Y/n: you know what nvm I don't know why I even asked

You get off the bed but then Carlos grabs your arm and pulls you back into a hug

C: ofc I will

Y/n: thanks Carlos, let me just go get changed quickly

C: k

Carlos watches you

Y/n: um turn around Carlos

C: why?

Y/n: quit playin come on

C: finneeee

Carlos puts stands up and turns around

You unzip your dress and before you can put your clothes back on you feel warm breathing on your neck from behind

Y/n: um Carlos...

Carlos lightly starts kissing your neck, he then gives you a hickey

Y/n: c-c-Carlos

C: don't worry I just want to feel your body against mine

Carlos takes off his shirt and pants so he is left in his boxers and you are in your bra and underwear, he pulls you to the bed and he hugs you and you guys cuddle together and fall asleep. The next morning your up before anyone else, you slowly pull away from Carlos grip on you and you throw some shorts and a tank top on. You go to Alex's room

Ugh I feel so guilty now, should I tell alex... no... that's a bad idea... but what if he finds out from someone else... did he see me and Carlos!? I think I'll tell him.....

You go over to Alex

Y/n: Alex...

Thanks for reading! Hope ur enjoying the story! DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! Dm me on insta if you have and ideas for my story @alex_diego122

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