Chapter 9

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Hey, I'm gonna work on Asher for a while. I'll probably go back to Jayden on Chapter 10 or 11. Whichever I feel like would be best. Anyway, If you like it comment (tell me what I can do to make it better if you don't like it) follow me and vote. Latah


Asher's POV

Sunday 7:30pm

It's been 3 days since I've gotten out of the hospital. I have crutches, and the doctor said if I get hurt anymore, i was going to need a wheel chair.

Jayden and Lani are coming over to watch Star Wars in my bedroom. I had called Lani from the hospital phone and told her everything that happened after Jayden left. She squealed and burst my ear drums. Again. She apologized to Jayden and said we should hang out together. So he we are.

I hear the intercom beep. It's Jayden at the gate. I wobble to the intercom I have in my room, and press the button. Acting like I don't know who it is.

"Who is it?" I ask, even though I can see them on the screen. Lani stares into the camera and gives me the finger. I laugh and open the gate.

I pick up my crutches and slowly make my way down the stairs. Lani walks in without knocking and pulls Jayden with her.

"No, no, no! Get back in bed! Now! I promised your mom while she was away, that you wouldn't get out of bed except for school in a few weeks. Now get!" She yelled pointing up the stairs. I groaned and turned to hobble back up, before slipping on my cast, and falling into Jayden.

"I gotcha," he said holding me in his arms. We both smiled. I was going to stand back up, but before I got the chance, Jayden lifted me up and carried me the rest of the way to my room. With Lani carrying my crutches behind us.

He set me down on my bed and pulled my wrinkled covers over me. Both him and Lani came and sat down on either side of me. My bed was queen sized so, about 6 people could fit on it. Notice how I said fit, and not sleep.

Jayden was at the top with me, while Lani was laying down on her stomach with her feet at my face. Gross.

I turned on Star Wars, and we all got quiet. Jayden put his arm around me and pulled me to him. I layed my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

I woke up to a soft shaking. I opened my eyes, and Jayden was slowly getting up. I saw that Lani was sleeping on the floor with blankets and one of my pillows. I took Jayden's hand before he could stand.

"I have to go home," he whispered. I reached my other hand over and grabbed his wrist, pulling him back. "Asher, I have to go." He whispered again, taking the hand that was on his wrist and taking it in his. "I'll come back, I promise." He smiled.

I didn't want him to go. I wanted him to lay here with me all night. I wasn't letting him get away. At least not that easy. I took his face in my hands, and kissed him gently. I've imagined what it'd be like to kiss him, but this was sensation. I didn't want it to end.

His tounge grazed my mouth asking for entrance, I opened my mouth and our mouths moved in perfect motion. His arms came around my waist and he pulled me closer. He turned his head for better angle. I thought this was the best day ever. Until it ended.

"I- I- guess I could stay for a little while longer," He stuttered. I smiled, and pulled him back on my bed. I wrapped his arm around me and leaned into his chest. I suddenly got an idea. I stared up at him and smiled.

"What is it?" He asked. Which just made me smile bigger. I jumped over him, out of bed and bounced out of the room. "Asher?!" He whisper called after me. "Asher?!" He called again. I was jumping down the stairs holding onto the rail for balance. When I reached the bottom I turned and Jayden was running down the stairs behind me holding my crutches.

I smiled and kept going. I jumped/ran over to my back porch, and pulled the glass sliding door open. I went out and down the stairs.

"Asher! Stop, you're going to hurt yourself. Asher please!" I kept going, around our mother's garden, out to the field, that is our back yard. Sometimes we do family reunions here, or soccer games. I always leave a blanket out here. I heard Jayden behind me running. I stop and turn to him.

"Asher! Are you OK? Are you hurt? Did you bruise something? Did your-" He trailed on. I tuned him out and took my crutches. It shouldn't have taken him this long to catch up to me. I smiled. He wouldn't be babbling if he didn't care.

He looked at my face finally and blushed. He looked down a rubbed his neck, not looking at me anymore. What?

I lifted his face so he could face me, and I smiled. He gave a small laugh and kissed me softly.

I pulled him over to the blanket it was in a circle of trees. I had a secret way of getting into it without pushing through the first gap I see. I went over to the back of the circle of trees, and pushed through a bush that leads to the center. Jayden didn't follow.

"Jay come on," I whined. I heard him mumble something that sounded like I don't think I should. He said something else, but I couldn't hear. I stepped back through the bush, pushing my crutches through, and saw him standing there.

"Jayden come on, what's taking ya so long?" I asked sounding like Lani, when she's trying to get her computer to go faster.

"I don't think I should." He said taking a step back. I cocked my head to the side, like a dog. He turned to walk back to the house, but I stood in his way.

"Jayden what's wrong?" I stared into his eyes and then shone in the moonlight. He bit his lip. Aww.

"I- I just think that- Well I just- It's-" He groaned and slammed his hands to his face.

"Jayden just tell me, it's alright." I said smiling, and taking his hands from his face. He stared at me for a moment.

"Like I told you at- at that place," The hospital. "I get nervous around you. When you kissed me back there in your bedroom, i couldn't control myself. I had only remembered where I was because Lani had shifted." I don't remember hearing Lani shift. "I don't know if I'll be able to control myself around you if I go in there."

I smiled, and put his hands on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He took a big breath. I smiled again. I layed my head on his chest. He was about a foot taller than me. I could hear his heart beat pick up. He really likes me. I really like him.

When his heart beat calmed down, I pulled back and took his hand and led him to the bush. I was going to help him. He'll have to learn to control himself, because I'm not going anywhere.

"Asher I-" I cut him off connecting our lips.

"You're gonna have to learn, because I'm not going anywhere." I said against his lips.

"You're right, you're not going anywhere. And Neither am I" He said pulling away. It's been flipped. When we first me, he was the confident one, and I was the shy guy. But now I'm the confident one, and he's the shy guy.

He took a deep breath, and stepped through the bush. I followed in after him. When I stepped through I saw him standing admiring all the work I put into this hide out. I have a blanket covering the entire ground where the circle keeps in. and I have a battery powered clock in the corner with a 4 D battery powered mini fridge. I have to change the contents every week.

"Asher, did you do all of this?" He asked surprised. Why is he surprised? I may look dainty but I'm still strong. I was first in the 5 mile run to finish for P.E. I'm capable of many more things than building a mini mansion.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" I asked him walking over to the mini fridge and pulling out a bag of carrots. Taking one out and eating it.

"Because I didn't know that you were so decrative. I mean it's like you've made your own little house out here in the trees. And you've got a roof too?" He said staring up at my wood padded roof. I had added it when It rained and ruined my clock and fridge, and made the blanket all muddy. I smiled.

"It's amazing Ash. I really glad you showed me this." He said turning to me.

I came over to him, thanked him and layed on the blanket. He followed me and soon fell asleep. I curled up in his arms. It was starting to get cold, so I wrapped both of us in the blanket, and soon I was laying next to him asleep. The best day ever.

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