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Bella's Point of View:

I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing. My eyes hadn't even adjusted when I answered, so I had absolutely no idea who I was talking to. "Hello?" I say groggily. "Awe, did the wittle pwincess just wake up from her booty sweep?" The voice on the other line mocks and I know instantly who it is: Kian.

"What time is it?" "Like two in the afternoon." Kian says laughing at me. "Really?!" I say checking the time. "You little turd, it's only eight! You scared me half to death!" I exclaim and I can almost feel him smirking through the phone.

"Anyways, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be in a YouTube video of mine." "That depends, what is it?" "You see, that's the problem, I have absolutely no idea. Come over to my apartment and help me?" "Sure. Give me twenty." "Twenty?! Ten." "Fifteen." "Thirteen." "Whatever." I say rolling my eyes. I knew Kian would want it to be thirteen minutes because that is his favorite number.

I hurry up and take a quick shower, put on a cute outfit, and apply some mascara, then I am out the door. I walk down the hall, to Kian's apartment and knock on the door, "It's open!" Kian yells out the door, so I turn the knob and walked in.

"Hey beautiful." Kian said, which made me smile from ear to ear. "Hey! So what kind of video are you wanting to make?" "Well, I was thinking maybe a challenge?" "Sure. I am always down for a challenge. Which one?" "I am not quite sure yet, but what I do know is that I want the consequence to be that the looser gets whatever tattoo the winner wants them to." 

"Really!? I have always wanted a tattoo." "Really? What do you want to get?" "Since I was twelve years old, I have always wanted to get a small heart tattoo on my wrist." "That would look really cute on your baby wrist. What was holding you back?" "Honestly, I am not totally sure." "Wait, you're not going to try to loose the challenge, are you?"

"Heck no! I don't trust you to pick out what I get for my first tattoo." I say with a laugh and Kian joins me. "Yeah, I can't say that I would blame you. I wouldn't trust myself to pick out my first tattoo either." I shoot him a confused look and we both continue to laugh.

"So, which challenge do you think that we should do?" "Hmm, maybe the dizzy waiter challenge?" "Yeah! That sounds like fun! I have always wanted to do that challenge!" I exclaim.

A few rounds into the challenge

"Okay guys, it is all tied up. This is the last and final round, so whoever looses this one has to get the tattoo that the winner says, you ready, Bells?" "As ready as I'll ever be." I say as I start to spin around, making myself dizzy. I take the tray of glasses from Kian and I begin to make my way down to the table.

The table honestly isn't that far away, but boy does it feel like it. One by one, the glasses slowly begin fall off as I start to stumble around the yard. When I finally make it to the table, I only had one glass left on my tray. I was hoping that I could at least get that one on the tray. I close my eyes and held my breath as I place the tray on the table.

I open my eyes to Kian laughing at me. I look down and see that I hadn't placed any glasses on the table, not one. I guess that I probably shouldn't have closed my eyes, huh.

"Okay guys, I am up next and all I have to do is make one glass on the table and I win." Kian starts to spin around, then starts to make his way towards the table. Right away, almost half of the cups fall off of his tray. I start to smile because things are looking up for me.

Okay, this is it, Kian places his tray on the table and the final cup starts to tip, but then, it sets itself back up. "What?! Come on! This thing has to be rigged!" I say, mad. Not mad that I have to get a tattoo, but mad that Kian has to pick out my tattoo. "Okay! Make sure to check out the video that we did on Bella's channel of her getting the tattoo! See you next time, bye!"

"What was that?" "What was what?" "Kian, I do not have a channel and you know it." "that's exactly why now would be the perfect time to make one! You could even do a channel with Emma if you don't want to have your own." "Okay! That's a good idea! Now what tattoo are you going to make me get?" I asked him and then a smirk appeared on his face. Great. This is not going to turn out well...

Author's Note:

     Thank you guys so much for reading! I hope that you are enjoying the story! Please let me know in the comments below!


     What's your favorite Valentine's Day candy?

My Answer:


Happy Valentine's Day! Stay beautiful and be kind to others!


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