Happy Hunting

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       "Brrrrrrrrrng!" sounded the alarm I'd been hearing 24/7 for the past 17 years of my life.

        " Wait a second,17 years!" I screamed rolling out of bed.

        "Yep...17 years." echoed a sigh from the other side of the room. I spun around quickly,my senses heightened at the thought of danger. What I saw when I turned around took me by surprise.
          Sitting in the corner on my toxic green beanbag chair which contrasted with my white walls, was a man in his late fourties. He had raven black hair, brown eyes, and a button like nose. His skin appeared to be a creamy color,and was obviously of mixed ethnicities. I had seen this man many times around the base of the MFGA. We didn't speak that often in public,but we were very close.

         "Fathe...I mean Dr. Caskets,what a lovely surprise" I said once I realized my futuristic living cube was probably under surveillance. Let me explain to you, I do not look like my father... at all! I get my dark brown hair and eyes from my mother. I also get my coco brown skin from her too. The only thing I inherited from him was my height. I'm taller than the average American woman.

         "Relax Ellam, sweetie no one's watching us. I just wanted to wish my baby girl a happy birthday...and remind you that we need to be at the ela-pod in 10 minutes or else you are going to miss your initiation. I'll leave you to it." With that my father left.


          After my father left I got ready and put on my uniform . It consisted of a toxic green body suit with white cargo pants and combat boots. I met up with the 17GA's at the Ela-pod. Most were dressed the same way; except in various colors. Also the males were wearing muscle shirts.
         My father was leading the group. We all stepped into our individual Ela-pods and were beamed up to the headmistress's room on the top floor. We all casted curious glances at one another as we entered her office.

      The headmistress was engrossed in paperwork and looked up once she noticed our presence.

       "Welcome 17GA's !" Ms. America bellowed in a powerful tone,"As you all know this is the day where you will join society. The society you were genetically bread to protect and dominate. Thanks to natural selections and variations you all possess certain unnatural qualities that will help you on your journey,"she stated in a strict,yet mellow tone.
         "As some of you may have noticed the program has been missing a few test subjects. We are becoming low in number. Your mission is simple track down the escaped test subject you have been assigned and bring them back to base. You will then...return out into society,reproduce, and bring your offspring  back here.You may now open your file that has been given to you."

I opened my file and the person I was assigned to find made my blood run cold." Eli Caskets" it read in bold red letters. My face paled slightly.

"It's alright Ellam, you'll be fine." My father whispered to me .

"You're all dismissed,but before you go 17GA's I wanted you to know that the program is depending on you. You cannot fail."

On that note we were beamed to what I assumed was the entrance to the outside world. Suddenly the loud speaker came on and sirens sounded.

"Happy hunting!" the headmistress said as the the doors opened and we all stepped out into the sun. "This is it", I thought to myself, we're all alone in New York city.

For a while we all just stood there taking in our surroundings. The honking of various horns could be heard for miles. I looked toward the street corner and saw a man dressed like a giant sub sandwich. He seemed to be promoting some restaurant. Everyone seemed lost. People always said I had a leader mentality, so I figured now was a good time to use it.

" Alright people, listen up I think we'd have a better chance at locating the fugitives if we group together. We should group them together by location. Examine each other's files and see who has to track someone in closest proximity to your target. Any questions?" I asked. Nothing but crickets,"Good. Now group up!" I ended up with Leo Barns. We both had targets in Massachusetts near Harvard university.

Everyone was ready to disperse and set out on their mission. It was then I noticed that civilians were looking at us strange. I guess it made sense,we were wearing hot clingy longsleeved shirts and cargo pants in the summer time. I checked in my backpack for the ct-maker. I pressed in the type of weather condition and location and a few seconds later I was wearing white shorts and a florescent floral print crop top.I looked over and noticed that Leo was now dressed in a short sleeve, navy print, button up shirt and black shorts.

"There, that's better. Now let's get going the faster we find them, the sooner we can return to base," I said to Leo. We turned back to look at the building one last time before we finally set off on our journey.

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