Sweater Weather

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"Eli's POV" (6 weeks later)

"Good evening Julianne," I said to my preppy, blonde coworker of two years.

"Good evening Eli,"she replied politely. I turned the corner and punched in the time I arrived to work. Of course it was no surprise, I was two minutes early...like always.

        My day always went the same. I attend my classes at Harvard university then walk to my shift at the Starbucks down the road. I need to be there by 3:30 which gives me exactly 30 minutes to get there. My life is boring I admit it, but I'm completely fine with that. Plus a lot of people from the university hang out here, so girls are always trying to flirt with me.

           They joke around and ask me why I'm so buff. I tell them it's a genetic thing. Literally I've seen my mom. She's ripped, not like freakishly muscular but ripped none the less. I once saw her take out three burglars who broke into our house at night.The way she handled them was inhuman. But who was I to judge, Lea Caskets is the best mom. I was brought of my thoughts by the voice of my friend Levi.

        "Dude get your head out of the clouds, Miranda Malta just walked in!" He shouted. Sure enough I turned around and Miranda was walking towards the register.Her Brown curly hair and full pink lips made her look so beautiful. I had been trying to get her attention, but this wasn't high school anymore so I couldn't ask her to a dance or anything. I figured I'd just make it a simple conversation.

        "Miranda, what's up? What can I get for you today?" I inquired casually.

       "First the sky, and second I'd like a caramel ribbon crunch. Grande of course," she replied sarcastically. This is why I liked her. She was feisty and didn't care who knew it.

          "Coming right up," I said as I wrote the name on her cup. I fixed her drink and she came to retrieve it. It was then that I noticed she had her laptop with her. She sat down in a nearby chair. It was then I realized she was probably taking advantage of the WiFi to do her research paper. This was my chance, so when my break came around I gathered my confidence and walked over to her.

         "Hey Miranda, mind if I sit with?" I asked.

        "No, I don't mind at all!" She exclaimed, and went back to typing. Crickets was all you heard throughout the coffee shop.

        "You want to go out sometime?" I inquired, breaking the awkward silence. She seemed to think about it for a little while before she finally agreed. Then she gathered her things and left. I clocked back in, and was automatically being bugged by Levi.

       "Dude,that was awesome!" My dark haired, green eyed friend exclaimed."I wish I had the guts to do that."

       "Don't worry bro, you'll meet a girl like Miranda one day," I said trying to comfort him.

       "I don't want a girl like Miranda. I want a girl whose not so afraid of the sun that she has to walk under an umbrella when we meet my parents parents in California. I want a girl who walks into a room with her head down because she's shy. I want a girl who doesn't know that she's beautiful, so I can remind her every day. I want a girl who draws attention to herself and doesn't even try-"

He was cut off by the sound off the door bell ringing, signifying another customer. I looked toward the entrance and saw a girl about 17 or 18 walk in. The way she stared at the ground showed low self-esteem. She definitely wasn't afraid of the sun considering she was a mixture of African American and something else that was barely noticeable. She looked as though she had went tanning. What really caught my attention was the neon green long sleeved crop top she was wearing. My eyes automatically snapped to her.

          I found it strange that after levi finished talking about his dream girl, she walks through the door. What I found even stranger was, that she seemed familiar.Like we new each other from a very long time ago


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