Charter 5 Trust Theodore

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I was running away ...
I was crying in front of everyone !!
I did not care...
I was crying out loud !!! I knew the voice of Slade, the whole world !!!
I just wanted to escape ...
I want to talk with Simon !!!
I ... I need Simon .... !!!
I went into the house ...
There was only Theodore ....
Dave was at work and Simon was studying with a friend of his ...
I let myself fall from the door. ..
I wrapped my arms between my legs ..
I leaned on and kept crying !!!
A little less than before, but always cry !!!
Theodore saw me. ..
<< Alvin ?! What's wrong. .. >>
He approached me. ..
Without thinking twice, I hugged him. ..
<< Theo ... You do not know what happened I'm desperate !! >>
I said, sobbing a little ...
Theodore hugged me ...
Strengthening me stronger !!
<< Do not worry ...
Do you want to tell me ....? >>
Ok ... << >>
I do not know why I trusted Theodore ..
At first I explained how a closed book ... but then I let myself go ...
The tears kept coming down. ..
Theodore hugged me and I told him everything that had happened ...
I told her exactly how I told this story. ..
<< Alvin .... I did not know it. ..
I did not even imagine it!
By the way ... You explained like a novel. .. Have you ever thought about being a writer? >>
I calmed down a little and let him go. ..
<< Thanks Theodore. ..
But now you must make me a promise. .. You never have to! For no reason, tell Simon !!! Ok? Have we cleared up?! >>
<< O-ok ... >>
This is all for chapter 5 ...
But now I need advice ...
Do you want Theodore to say it or do not tell Simon?

Alvon vs Slavin, A difficult choiceWhere stories live. Discover now