Part 2

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A special edition for my small circle.

Did I say "I Do"
by Blair BW.

Part 2


Married life – Sharing everything even if you do not want to.


My own closet was never enough for my own clothes. I tried giving away my never-been-used clothes (ada yang sa tidak ingat bila sa beli) to my friends and family but there were just A LOT! When J officially moved into my house in Melbourne, we didn’t know where to put his clothes at. Haha! I ended up sacrificed my 4-drawers for him. Anyway, we knew we needed a house (SOMEDAY), a real house, where we can keep everything neatly, just more space for the two of us. I hate sharing my mini office with him at home cos he has soooo many gadgets and books from his place. And his collection of guitars, remember?

We didn't really talk about buying or build a house in here cos, we're financially, not there yet.

I tried to keep things as minimal as I can in the house so we wont have to rent a storage to keep our stuff.

To own a house in the central business district in Melbourne is SUPER DUPER expensive. Sa cakap sama si J untuk tahan saja tinggal at my small condo (1/3 subsidized by company) at least for few more years before we can actually afford to buy a landed house.

“I didn’t plan to live in the CBD”, he said - one night.

That was our first ever argument after our first few months of so called happily-ever-after.

“WHY NOT??” sa tanya dia tidak puas hati. I have my career here, I love my balcony overlooking the jungle concrete. It is very accessible! Plus, I love how I can get everything in front of my door step. 

“Suburbs are not even cheap”, sa cakap lagi. Trus sa rasa sa sakit kepala. Start sudah sa imagine tu drive way saaaaaaaaannnnaaa jauh nda tau di mana kalau si J plan mau pindah dari CBD. How about my work? Trus sa teringat tu office sa. It is just a 5min tram away from where we currently live.

"I paid settlement."


"Calm down.."

Oh gosh.. Macam mau meletup sa rasa.. He did just drop a bomb.

"When was this? And you never talked to me about it. Ko ingat sa ni apa oh? Am I not your wife??!!"

"Stop shouting and calm down already.."

Argghh mau gila sa..!! I understand he always think and do things faster. But this is too much!

"You make me feel stupid.." I told him. Entah kenapa sa rasa kecewa betul ni kali.

"You agreed last time.We deposited.. Why are you so angry now?" si J tanya sa. He was very calm.Tambah sa gerigitan!

I tried to recall about paying deposit for a house.

Oh my... gosh.

When was it. 3 years ago?.

"Have you lost your mind JARED?!! It's 1 and a half hour drive from here!!" Mau sesak sudah nafas sa masa ni..

"You always wanted to do a freelance."

"I haven't decided! When were you planning to tell me this huh?"

"I saw you were searching to rent a house in Windsor. You never told me that too."

"I was just searching on the internet for my research! My godness.."

"Then why did you call an agent?"

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