The Dead Girl In The Closet

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Dark clouds filled the night sky. It was the first night we finally moved in my parents were finally happy and so was my sister. Writing the last piece of my homework I gathered up everything and tucked it away. A thunderous roar boomed from outside and just like that the lights were out. And I was Alone.

After about an hour of no power and knife holding. My parents finally came home after a long dinner. My little sister beamed me a smile and races up the stairs giggling. I turned to see my parents upset.

"Is everything alright?" I asked worry lacing through every word.

"Yes dear everything is fine. Get to bed" my mom gave me a reassuring smile before I jogged up stairs.

I walked into my room turning on the light and closing the door.

"My god" I screeched looking at my sister who was sitting on my bed.

"Sorry" she said. I sat down beside her giving her a kiss on the head

"Come on get to bed" I said opening my bedroom door

"Um..." She paused for a moment before speaking again

"Can I stay and watch a movie with you? My choice" she questioned giving me a smile

"Sure, why not" I said turning the t.v on and plopping down next to her

"So what movie?" I asked pointing to the DVDs

Her eyes scanned before landing on a very,very scary movie too much for me and Probaly even her to handle.

At this point I just got tired so I popped in the movie and grabbed the bowl of popcorn.

In the middle of the movie it was the part that this girl was looking into the camera, her face was all bloody and messed looking. Popping some popcorn into my mouh my sister poked my arm

Turning my head and nodded "yes?" I questioned

And with the straightest face my sister has ever made replied with

" that kind of looks like the dead girl in my closet"

Staring at her stunned a creepy grin takes over her face. And my closet door swung open..

The End

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