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Jacob sat in the dark room, his wife sat next to him, what else was there to do? They were the last surviving humans in this world after the war.
They had lived on artificial food made by Jacob, he was a scientist, and one that had helped making the BRAIN, or the fabrication machine, he had been honoured to have been invited to help, but he didn't know it was a machine of war, not peace.
Supplies were running out, there was almost no hope of survival, but they had to try to survive, for the sake of their 2 children, who were now running down the stairs, with excited looks on their faces, they were happier than Jacob had seen them in a while....
"Daddy! Did you see outside?" The little girl said quickly,
"Rose! You went outside? I told you not to, the machines might get you,"
"But.... there are no machines! And it's raining!"
Jacob stared at her in surprise, and followed her up to the surface for the first time in months.....
She was right, the sky was green and rain was falling, his wife soon joined, followed by their son, they should have been worried, was this poisonous or a bad omen? But the rain seemed to put them at peace, they just felt it, this was hope, this was life

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