1~First Day of School

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“William Holmes?” the science teacher, Mr. Garza, called out. Everyone looked around the room for someone named William Holmes. Nobody had heard that name before.

            After a while, a deep voice from the back spoke up. “I go by Sherlock.”

            Everyone in the class turned to see the boy. It wasn’t like Sherlock was a new student, he had been going to the school for the past three years. Everyone called him Sherlock though, this was the first time that any of his teachers had called him William. All of his teachers had heard about him before he even set foot in their classroom. He was one of the most advanced students the school had ever seen. The most advanced was his older brother, Mycroft.

            A few of the girls snickered. Although he was popular amongst the teachers, he wasn’t popular amongst his peers.

            “Molly Hoop-“

            “Sorry! Sorry I’m late!” a flabbergasted boy said, running into the class. He was panting. “I got lost, went to the English wing instead.”

            “And what is your name?” Mr. Garza always looked and sounded like he was annoyed with all of his students. Someone running into his class late wasn’t helping.

            “John. John Watson.”

            “Well then, John,” Mr. Garza said, “The only empty seat is next to Mr. William.”

            “It’s Sherlock,” he said.

Sherlock heard someone in front of him, a brawny boy who was on the rugby team laughed.  “What kind of a name is Sherlock anyways? I mean, honestly. If I had to choose between William and Sherlock, I’d pick Will.” The boy turned to Sherlock and gave him a sneer. “Are you trying to live up to your big brother Mycroft, having a stupid name?”

“Oh, shut it, Tom,” John said, putting his bag down. “He didn’t do anything to you.” Tom rolled his eyes and turned to the front. Sherlock looked to John and raised his eyebrows. Nobody had stood up for him before, let alone against Tom. Tom was the school’s bully. He was dating a different girl each week. Sherlock knew he was no good, but he seemed likable to the popular group of kids. Sherlock was always a target of his teasing.

            Sherlock could see that John was on the rugby team as well. His hands were scabbed over, so he must have been lifting weights. He had lip gloss on, strawberry, but it wasn’t put on his lips first. He has a girlfriend, and is obviously very loyal to her although they met over the summer.

            Love. What a waste.

            Sherlock glanced over at the syllabus that Mr. Garza had passed out. Half of the class was lab work, and it was all with a partner. The partner was the person who was sitting at your table.

             “Well, I guess we’re lab partners, mate,” John said. He didn’t say it sarcastically; he acted as if he was glad Sherlock was his partner. Most people liked it when they got paired up with Sherlock; he did all of the work on group projects. It was easier that way and idiots didn’t get in the way.

            Sherlock didn’t know what to say, so he just nodded. Another idiot, he thought.

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