Chapter 24 (Part 1)

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She didn't cry.

She wanted to but she was numb. Deprived of sensation was her first defense mechanism. She liked to be an control of whatever emotion she felt and to appear tough no no one could break her.

She stepped out of her car, locked it, and walked towards the dock. She took out her phone and pressed its button. The picture of the lock screen ripped her wounded heart even wider.

57 missed calls.

31 text messages

She turned off her phone and pocketed it again. She lay on her back, facing the twilight sky. The wind was kind of harsh slapping her tired face. She had drove around the city before she get here.

A chuckle came out of her far being so foolish. Whatever happened between her and Jennie did seem too goad to be true. In short amount of time she lulled by the beauty of a stranger to the point she lost grip on herself.

She closed her eyes pleading to every cell in her body to heal faster. 




They were fused into one.

There was tiny part of her that wanted to crawl back to Jennie no matter what, to heard her explanation, to begged her to leave that guy-whoever he was for her.

She once told by her psychiatrist that scream could help, but she had no desire to do it.

Her pager beeped signaling someone paged her. She sighed at the emergency code. She wanted time for herself but then again people 'owned' her. She had to serve them no matter what.

She stood up. She was making her way to her car when she saw an old tree on her way.

The poor tree became the target of her fists.


Lisa quicken her steps towards the emergency. She hid her hands inside her jacket. It stung more but it better than showed it then had everybody made a fuss about it.

"Someone page me emergency, where is it?" She asked the nurse at the nurse station.

"Here's your emergency," Jisoo folded her arms on her chest. Lisa frowned and threw her a glare. She wasn't up for Jisoo's game- whatever it was. At the corner of her eyes she caught a glimpse of her short friend walking closer to her.

"I'm serious, where's my patient?" She urged the nurse.

"I- I don't know doctor, as far as I know we have no chest trauma tonight." the young man answered. "There's no consult for you too."

"I told you, I'm your emergency." Jisoo stated easily. "Where have you been?" She rested her arm on the table.

"I don't have time for this, Kim Jisoo!" She was about to stomped out when Jisoo tweaked her elbow effectively refrained her to moved forward. The general surgeon dragged her to trauma room number 3 as she closed the door and window in a swift movement.

"Jennie is worried sick about you!" She hissed at the short doctor. "Where have you been?!"

"I'm going to say it once and I'm not going to repeat myself. Mind your own business." She empathized each word harshly. 

"She called me, sobbing, and choking on her tears, asking whether I know where you are. Don't you care about her?!" She pressed her voice but it was getting harder since Lisa was too stubborn.

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