a hot day of summer

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This is my first fic and i posted it on ao3 with the same name! The story has kind of graphic mentions of death and its a little sad . Its heavily inspired on the Kagerou Days (vocaloid) song, bc im a weeb and a angst whore sooo LOLOL i hope you enjoy it somehow ^^


The first time the truck hit Taehyung, Yoongi thought he was dreaming. Actually, he was sure he was, the moment he woke up in a cold sweat at noon on the same day.

He remembers looking at the clock with a frown, passing a hand through his sweaty bangs, trying to erase the gory image of Taehyung's bloodied body in the street. He stood up on shaken legs, as he tried to follow his usual routine cautiously. The dream had unnerved him, he's not gonna lie. It's not like Yoongi isn't familiar with nightmares (he had his fair amount of them over the years) but he never had to face one that felt unbelievably real. He could almost still smell the sickening mix of blood and gas smoke as he breathes right now.

The sun is hot outside, the summer heat had reached its peak in Daegu (which must be a sign for the man to not wear his usual dark colored clothes, but Yoongi has never been good at reading signs, or caring for them). The other doesn't want anything more than to stay home all day under an AC while watching trashy dramas or making some music. But he knew it wouldn't do since he had promised to meet Taehyung the moment he was free from classes and could visit him.

He won't lie and say he wasn't looking forward to it, but he's never admitting that out loud.

He met Taehyung in the same place he previously had in the dream, at the park, Taehyung's favorite spot in their hometown since they were children. The place wasn't packed with kids and moms like it usually was. It was summer and it was hot, way too hot, to be playing outside, he muses. Maybe they were the only fuckers crazy enough to burn under the killing sun for a change.

Taehyung's presence was refreshing in the same way it was warm. The boy's smile was contagious to Yoongi. But today the elder was not smiling.

Looking at it right now, the scene was so eerily similar to his dream, it was almost scary.

Taehyung was waiting for Yoongi at the swings (the same way he was in the dream). And he was wearing light clothes, probably to have a chance in the hot weather (the same ones he wore in the dream). The moment he saw him, the younger smiled (the same boxy smile he did in the dream).

He felt himself relax at the sight of Taehyung, smiling softly while patting Yeontan, a little fluff ball the other decided to take care of some months ago, on his lap. (Sometimes the two boys would compete of who had the more photogenic baby — Taehyung's Yeontan or Yoongi's Holly, resulting in files upon files of dog pictures in his cellphone. He can't deny Yeontan is a worthy rival to Holly's cuteness).

He looks so much better this way , Yoongi thought as he remembered the gruesome image of dull, unfocused eyes, and blood slowly painting the road pavement.

Yoongi usually tries hard not to show his true emotions towards the younger so openly, preferring to remain cool and reserved, but he couldn't stop himself from smiling and giving a sigh of relief, slightly surprising Taehyung.

After that, it all ran smoothly, the way it was supposed to be. They talked about the summer, talked about their classes starting in some weeks, talked about how hot it was and how it called for ice cream. Talked about Yoongi's experience in Seoul, about his friends, his roomate and his music. They talked about how the stars seem to shine brighter in the summer sky, and how nice it was to lay on the grass and just watch them. Taehyung talked about meeting again to try it together.

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