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"what took you so long" bogum asked taehyung when he opened the door.

"Um guk wanted to tag along and bunny throw a fit cuz he didn't know what shirt to wear." Taehyung explained, he walked beside bogum while jeongguk trailed behind them carrying jeonhyung.

"Well I forgive you," bogum laughed, "now! Let's start. I don't have cinnamon but I think we can bare."

"Why didn't you text me," taehyung playful slapped bogum on the arm, "I could have went to the store on my way here."

"Yeah I'm sorry. I just remembered right now but I think it'll be alright. I mean it's not really necessary." Bogum opened the fridge open took open a dozen case of eggs and milk, he put them on the counter near the stove.

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he sat down on one of the high chairs.

"What y'all doing?" Jeongguk's asked taehyung.

Taehyung looked up at Jeongguk and extended his arms, wanting to carry his son. "He teaching me how to bake banana bread" jeongguk smiled at his cuteness and handed taehyung jeonhyung.

"Mommy" jeonhyung hugged taehyung tightly. "Awe hey baby."

"He's so cute" bogum went over to squish jeonhyung's cheeks but got his hand slapped by taehyung. "Don't touch my baby with your filthy hands." Bogum gasped and looked at Jeongguk, "I don't know how have kinky you guys are but you need to behave your sub"

"First of all we do not talk about adult stuff in front of my baby and second of all I can can disobey you whenever I want." Taehyung fastly explained, his face turning red.

"Whatever. Are we going to bake or what"

"Yeah yeah just shut up." Taehyung got up and put jeonhyung on jeongguk's lap.

"No mommy" jeonhyung whined, trying to reach out to taehyung.

"Baby," taehyung went to hug him "mommy has to bake. Okay?"
Jeonhyung sniffed into Taehyung's tummy.

"It's okay baby," taehyung bushed his fingers through the little boy's soft locks.

"Hey petal, let mommy go" jeongguk spoke with softness in his voice.

"Okay" jeonhyung slowly let go of taehyung, rubbing his eyes with his small fist.

"It's okay baby. Look I'll just be right there" taehyung pointed to where bogum was standing, leaning against the counter and what looked like be was taking selfies of himself.

"Okay, but mommy," jeonhyung looked at taehyung with big sparkly eyes. "Yes?" Taehyung smiled at him.
"Can I hwve some soda?" Jeonhyung looked down, fiddling with his fingers.
"Let me see if this goblin has any."

Bogum was too busy gigging and typing n his phone, to notice that he had just gotten insulted.

Taehyung went to open the fridge and got a can of soda and a can of beer.

"Here you go my two babies" taehyung put both cans on the table.

"Okay I'm ready!" Taehyung clapped his hands.

"Finally I thought I was going to get old waiting here."

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