I: Slowpoke

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        "Two years and a half, and i haven't got a clue about him" Nec says as he look at the person in front of him. "Don't call me  lazy man, Raima is my only hint. The truth is i've been attending to Raima too long that it makes me uncomfortable if she doesn't treat me like a useless pawn of hers". He smirked, while unfolding the poster he brought. "Got this oldie poster of us two" then puts it up the wall adjacent to the door. The poster hold an image of two persons  "I still got a long way to go, Raima suspect nothing about me sniffing around. She even made a deal to help me if I pass 4 out of 5 Main Arts Teachings per Art Category" he uttered,  "looks like i have to go" as he spotted a familiar frame through the window. "Till next time, Meja" tapped his sleeping friend on the shoulders, then walks out the door. He took the stairs to the left, intending to leave through the backdoor.

        Bewilderment was painted across his face when the backdoor opens "So it was you after all" a blonde female in her early twenties, short hair, clothed in boyish fasion, but her feminine look reeks out.Standing between him and the exit. "Excuse me, Raima have an errand for me" shunning the women aside "You know she hates waiting". Walking past her, then turns around "I would appreciate if none of this comes out, Tafami". Her eyes squinted "Is that all?!!!" she dashed at him clenching her fist whispering "air knuckles".

         Tempest Arts, Main Art of Mana Category that utilizes air to ones bidding, air start to form around her fist forming a knuckle. "Calm down Tafami" with a worried look on his face, cause he's in her attack range and with an Atttack speed of 1.54/sec he's in trouble. She threw 2 right jabs, Nec blocked the firts & dodge the second, Tafami followed  up a right upper, he took a step back, She leapt forward and gives him a left hook, Nec also leapt backward to avoid the blow. Before his feet reach the ground he heard her "you can't dodge if your feet isn't on the ground? can you?" lowering her stance. "Oh, Sh****" realising that the air around her left arm is missing. Her right fist is clenched near her chest the air knuckle is swirling, size is doubled and a whistling sound is made. She grinned "Gale Shot", the strike is aimed at his MEDIOCRE face! What? She really hates me this much, he thought. (O_O) I've got a mediocre face it'll be less than average if the Art hits. Nec grit his teeth to and a final attempt to save his looks, bows and sacrificed his forehead for it. A strong SWOOSHHH!! was made Nec was blown a meter away landing on his back. Tafima's hand was also blown away.

        "Sheeessh!!! You never change, always dodging and stuff" she giggled. "Neither do you, picking on me always" while getting up and brushing away dust "you’re a Rank33 Martial Mage, and me? Rank 60, not to mention an apprentice". She smiled "Apprentice? Blocking an A level Mana Art with a Basic Air Stream?" Tafima walks slowly towards Nec "Good to know you’re doing great" suddenly hugs him as he stood up "It's been two years since you brought Meja in this Infirmary, its only yesterday that he woke up. Though he doesn't recall anything about the skirmishes in Gana 3 years ago" she squeaked. A long Pause then she whispered "Please let go of the past, some stones are meant to be left unturned. Everything is going well and...l". Interrupted by Nec removing himself from her grasp "I will find him, I didn't waste 2 years in CamHi just to let this go". He looked her in the eye, then suddenly poke her in the fore head, then jumps back "Hahaha, got you there you let your guard down, that’ll be my 78th win!" then sprints away from here "Please take care of Meja, and don’t let anyone know about me visiting" while waving goodbye and sprinting fast. Tafima stood motionless, as a shivering wind blows.

        Nec sprint as fast as he could, as soon as he got of the bus. Its 1250Hours, CamHi is about a 300 meters away. With a movement speed of 395 he won’t make it in time. Reached the school in 3 minutes he sighed, the place he need to be is at the 3rd floor of Perceptive Arts Building. If only Tafima didn’t show up I would never be late at the first day.  The stairs & hallway are empty the lessons are starting, as he reached the 3rd floor he immediately activated the scanner placed at the wall.






…”RANK: 60 – Hi”

               Finally the huge Platinum plated door opens, and revealed a spacious room 40 meters in length, 50 meters width, and a height of 10 meters. The whole right wall is a LED monitor, and opposite is a vacant area where students are seated at the floor with a 2mx2m futon. There are roughly 300+ students, and they are currently looking at him. But none of that worries him; in fact he is too fixated on the expression of the only man standing amidst the crowd. Their mentor for the Perceptive Arts, Mr. Tau Maturgu, and “Just in time!” he shouted. “Actually Mr. Tau I’m early” Nec answered “for the next lesson”. He heard giggles from his fellow students.  “That’s what I like, not losing cool. You’re a perfect example of what our lessons today is, and would you mind standing at the left side of the monitor” The mentor pointed “And stay there!” then turns to the students “let us begin”.

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