III: Errand

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                The room is filled with excitement and pressure; everyone is looking forward to events that will unfold. Eagerness, enthusiasm fills every student except one. Cold sweats run down from Nec’s forehead, he is the sole person not looking forward to this. Mr. Verth Started “You’re lucky a Legend is here, the truth is I’m really pleased about this. You see Raima volunteered herself to assist us.” A couple of nice and yeah are heard “She is an example of humility! Even though high in ranking, she still does this simple task for the school. Can we give her a round of applause?” Mr. Verth added, as students did as they’re told.  Raima then walks towards the mentor, Nec feels everyone’s eyes glued on her. She stays at her left side and stands firmly, as if striking a pose.

“Let’s begin learning about Combat Combinations. First is Multi-Link, being able to use more than one Art category. Most common is Martial & Mana, and the least is Perceptive & Dark chaste. Raima is an example of this, with triple affinity she’s a Strategic Martial Mage.” Mr. Verth continues “There is also Sole-Link, able to utilize any Arts from one category. Frequently seen in Martial category, since it has the most sub branches as all sports, combat activities, and any other that only uses one’s physical body. There are some that draw on offensive & defensive concurrently. Det of the West ranked 2nd, reaching his position relying exclusively on Martial.” The mentor turns unto the monitor then inputs his data card on its side slot. And carries on “Also there is the Progressed-Link, odd affiliation where one chooses to maxed out Arts Level. This is uncommon since it consumes too much time, why bother maxing out your E level Arts if you have A Level which is logically stronger. Generally Progressed-Link is bringing into play for people who can’t attain upper level Spells. These are inept citizens who at certain point can’t learn upper level skills, though their Tier Rank is gradually increasing. So to cope up with Tier, they evolve their low level skills.”  Mr. Verth smiled “However our very own Repido Twins of the South ranked 3rd is considered an exception. Though Sole-Link capable, the twins decided to take up Progressed-Link. Magnifying Perceptive Art making their E level skill Fear last for 4, which should only last 1 second making it A level. ” Mr. Tau activates the monitor “A chart of 3 affiliation type.”   


Student Data: Affiliation

DET INOVIL                         LOR & NIW REPIDO                         RAIMA VALEN

Ranked 2nd                          Ranked 3rd                                          Ranked 4th

Full-Martial                          Full-Perceptive                                    Martial Mage

Sole-Link                              Progress-Link                                 Multi-Link

Martial                                   Perceptive                                          Martial

  Offensive                                 Deceptive                                         Movement

     Blunt Mastery                            Illusion                                               Dash*

     Bare Hand mastery*                     Debuff**                                         Sprint*

     Combo Rush*                               Sleep*                                             Parry*

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